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Vitcenzo Women


He survived. They both did. Unfortunately, they wandered up here with me.

While getting off the bus I saw Vanya and Abram. All we could do was make eye contact with each other. I was not sure why they kept them alive but their reasons, Could. Not. Have. Been. Good.

They both looked pretty banged up.

The other men around took them as Rani ordered them where to go. Maksim and his two brothers carried us into the opposite direction towards the mansion.

It looked mostly white with snow. All the beauty of it were now also covered with the white snowflakes. I had to admit the snow was pretty but I preferred my sun.

Inside the mansion was...ancient. The place looked like it came from a medieval movie set. It was huge with fireplaces lining up the walls.

"Welcome to my home," Maksim said gesturing to his house. "Riya will show to your room...Riya, Kolya will make sure they don't give you any trouble," he finished kissing her on the forehead.

The girl only nodded, taking Sychar's hand, she carried us all to one room up a staircase. Kolya was not far behind us.

I was the second last to enter the room but something or should I say, someone, caught my eye.

He was tall with a square jaw, big with broad shoulders. The man tripled my size over. He wore a blank expression on his face as his eyes met mine.

Kolya broke our eye contact with a shove into the room. I glared at him, "I don't care if you have a baby in your arms. I wanted to kill it,"

The room had three beds in it. The room was already prepared for us. They planned all of it. "This is where you will be sleeping for the next three days. After that, you will be married," my breath hitched in my throat and Kisa started crying along with Sy.

After they both left the room, I could finally exhale. It seemed that I constantly held my breath after these people. I laid Auden on the bed since she fell asleep.

Walking up and hugging the two girls that I knew my whole life was over. As they cried, it hurt me. Kisa and Sychar needed to be strong now. Weakness now was not an option. Any weaknesses now would put us between life and death. And if we died Maksim and his brothers will easily replace us.

The only reason our hearts were still beating was that he saw a need for us. My plan for us to get sick went through the window when he threatened Auden.

If we did anything to hamper the ritual or if we tried to escape, they will kill that baby girl. Then they will probably do much worse to us. Our only way of survival was for us to do as promised.

The light that shined at the end of our tunnel was now darkened. Pitch black. With all of our heirlooms gone, the voices in my head were gone too. We were all alone in a world filled with bloodthirsty monsters that hungered for power and they did anything to get it.

"Shhh, listen to me. I observed the two men that you would be marring. They won't harm you...the both of them are already smitten with your beauty. All you have to do is go along with them and you will be safe," I advised the crying girls. The words I was saying seemed to burn my throat as I did but I had no other choice.

"Ok, Crim we understand. What about you?" Kisa says wiping her eyes.

"I will be fine...You guys have to be brave. Remember whatever you do could affect us all, most of all, Auden." I say looking back at the sweet girl sleeping.

"That's her name, Auden?" Sychar says smiling and looking back at the bed.

"Yeah she was named after my grandma but Maksim says to call her Addie. So we shall call her that in front of him and his people. But when we are together we call her by her real name, Auden."

They nod in agreement with me.

I was not gonna let our heritage die. Auden will know exactly where she came from and who these people really are. It may not be now but when she is old enough. The problem with that is that Maksim seemed to like her. And I don't want her growing up thinking these savages are her family.

They are the ones who murdered them!

"Now wipe the tears. Vitcenzo women neither cry nor cower in fear. Our parents may not have known war or pain but our grandparents damn well did. And at the end of this, they will be the ones at the end of our blade. I don't know how and when but a Vitcenzo always finds a way...Our Blood Day will come. We will avenge this. For what is ours shall be ours alone."

I didn't know when I became a motivational speaker but what I was saying was also strengthening me.Every word I spoke awoke a ray of strength in me and the more I said it made me a little braver. I have never seen a gun until I saw one pointed at my uncle and father. I never saw so much blood until my family's own poured out like a fucking pool around them. But all I knew was that I had to be strong. I had to have my vengeance one way or another. I should make them pay, by hook or by crook. It could be years from now but I will never forget.

I promise, grandmother!

"Crimson.", Sychar pulls me out of my thoughts "What is this ritual they are talking about?" This catches the attention of Kisa as well and she walks back over to us. "Yeah," Kisa joins in.

"Back home they were checking if we were virgins. And I heard Maksim say it is a sex ritual and that's why they need virgins. It's a fucked up religion or whatever the fucking hell it is," I say getting up and kicking a nightstand, catching it before it fell.

Kisa mumbles that she should have given up the goods when she had to. "No Kisa, if you had fucked anyone before, they would have killed you," she shakes her head that she dropped in her hands in defeat.

The door suddenly opens revealing one of Maksim's brothers. He walks in, his eyes only on Sychar as Kisa hugs her tightly to her. I go and pick up Auden even though she is asleep.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you. My name is Jasha. I just wanted to meet Sychar.", he says walking up to her and kneeling in front of her.

"I'm sorry for how we handled things but I promise you that you will have nothing to fear from me," he says trying to take her hand in his.

Sychar's eyes dart to mine and I slowly nod my head for her to go along with it. Her eyes turn back to his, with water in them as she allows his hand to touch hers. She closes her eyes and I could tell that she is disgusted by him. Sy flares her nose a bit and when she opens back her eyes, Sychar can no longer look at him.

It's a thing she does when she dislikes something.

Jasha drops his hands and gets back up from his knees. He sighs and shakes his head back and forth. I could somehow feel the guilt rolling off of him in waves of regret.

"Just know that I did not have a choice," he says before finally exiting the room.

Sy looks at me and one tear falls from her left eye. She quickly wipes it and looks at Auden in my arms. She walks up to me and kisses the baby smiling as she looks down at her.

"Whatever it takes to keep us and you safe," she spoke out in a voice slightly above a whisper with underlying promise she would keep.


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