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Bar Conference


Maksim drags me into the bathroom while I scream for him to stop. "Take The Fucking Test Crimson! I'm not going to say it again." he tells me as I'm flung onto the floor of the bathroom.

His patience has finally ran out and it was time for us to know. The doctors say that it takes a few days for tests to pick up on a pregnancy.

He throws the stick at me. With shaking hands I pull my underwear down placing the stick between my legs, while I sat on the toilet bowl. Maksim's eyes burning into me as I does so. They're set with a hard glare and his posture is stiff.

Pulling out the pregnancy stick he immediately grabs it, not allowing me to see it. As he looks at the results his shoulders relaxes and a sly smirk plays on his lips.

Fuck! I'm pregnant!

"Looks like you're with child." his voice holding malice. "This changes things. You will not leave my side because I fear you will try to kill my child. That child is the future heir and if you so much as sleep wrong... I will bring your nightmares to life."

The tears are pouring before I could even register his warning. My life is over. Salvation is not coming. My grandparents were wrong. What have I done to deserve this punishment?

I felt the same way as that night when I lost everything. I can't have his child. Maksim is a monster. A curse that is worse than the ten plagues of Egypt. An evil darkness that possessed the form of a man.

They always said that sin looked beautiful.

Him and his brothers were evil incarnate. And now the spawn of the devil is growing inside me. If I could, I would carve out the dreadful thing right from my flat stomach.

👑Forward to the bar👑

I kept my head down with my hair in my face as I followed Maksim into his bar. This is my first time leaving the estate and it all was because the devil wanted me in his eyesight at all times. Well as much as possible.

The place instantly gets quiet as we enter the bar and everyone stops what they are doing bringing the atmosphere to a stand still. Taking a peek from behind my blonde curtain, I see that they all are bowing to him.

Was it out of respect or fear? Maybe it was both. I bet word spread like the vast ocean about Maksim's cruelty. With all those bodies adorning the estate's land I don't blame them.

After Maksim takes a seat the place goes back to normal. He pulls me down in the chair next to him as one of the many girls around comes up to the our table.

"Can I be of assistance Master?" her voice shakes a little but she manages to cover it up quickly with a seductive smile. She had nice long waist length brown hair. Her outfit barely an outfit at all.

Maksim doesn't answer but simply sits her in his lap.

"Zackary, that man over there...who is he?" Maksim asked one of his men pointing to a man with jet black hair. "John tried to talk to him earlier when Don Levi wanted to talk to him but the guy shot him down. All I know is that he isn't from around here." Maksim nods his head and frowns. His eyes glancing over at the mysterious guy.

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