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I shut the door to the bathroom locking it behind me. My stomach kept cramping up and soon I curl up on the floor into a fetal position. My arms hugging my belly in an attempt to ease the pain.

Then the urge to vomit hit me with the upset feeling of nausea. I felt disgusted with myself. Digesting Maksim's cum sober is way worse than his beatings. At least they were outside of my body.

I made it to the toilet bowl on my hands and knees, hunching over the porcelain seat I emptied my stomach. The upside to this was that his seed is no longer floating around inside me.

Flushing the toilet I closed the lid and sit on top of it. I waited until some of my pain subsided before I could finally stand. My eyes are red and scratchy and my nose is a bit stuffy. Now emotional as I stare into the mirror.

Pulling my toothbrush and some paste I brush my teeth at length. In an all-out effort to eradicate Maksim from my mouth. He smelled like dry blood and sweat, his taste was even worse.

With that thought, I turn the shower on and get in. The warm water helped with soothing my cramped body. I seriously needed to get aspirin or something of the sought.

I decided to ditch the lace nightgown that Maksim loves for a big sweatshirt with just panties and socks. For the first time, I feel kinda comfortable in clothes.

After an hour and a half in the bathroom, I finally exit the bathroom with silent footsteps. A smile pulls at my mouth when I see him completely knocked out on the bed. Quietly I escape the room to find some pills.

The halls are empty at two in the morning. With no idea of how to get cramp pills, I go to Riya's room which is a level down. This is when elevators become a blessing to me. On normal days I would take the stairs but considering the fact that my stomach is about to fall out my ass, I thank the higher beings for them.

The elevator dings when it reaches her level and I limp to her door. Reaching to it I knock a few times before she answers. Riya is confused at first until she sees me and my hunched over crab posture.

"Crimson, what's wrong?" she quickly brings me into her room turning the lights on.

"Cra-cramps. Pain. Killers. Please!" I stutter as she laid me on her bed. She nodded her head in understanding digging into her nightstand's draw looking for the means to help me.

Riya finds the magic pill and hands myetwo. She disappears into her bathroom returning with a glass of water. I take the pills and then swallow the water with a loud sigh.

"Were you crying?" she asks sitting next to me on the bed.

"I guess, I only knew when I looked into the mirror," I say after a few minutes when the pills started working.

"Was it the cramps or Maksim?" she is asking a lot of questions tonight, damn. But that was Riya. She always tells me that she can't help if she doesn't know the problem.

"Both. As if this day couldn't get any shitter. I couldn't cry over Abram because then Maksim will think that I'm weak despite the fact that I ordered the kill. Then my period comes with an ass load of cramps but no the universe just had to make it worse. Maksim comes back horny as fuck..." she stops my rant and holds my leg with her eyebrows furrowed in horror.

"He didn't fuck you did he?"

"No, he just wanted a fricking blowjob. And he smelt so bad I had to hold down my gag reflex just from his putrid smell, " I frown at her and she laughs at me.

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