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DeAtH SenTeNcE


Getting up from the ground, I spit on Misha; "Fuck You!" I tell his corpse, staggering on my feet I comb through my hair with my bloody hand.

The nerves in my hand finally woke up making my wound pain. I dripped all over the floor and I stumbled into the bathroom getting a first aid kit.

"Fuck!" I mumble to myself as pour rubbing alcohol on it. It stung like a bitch. After which I bandaged up my hand.

Call Sachin.

Kisa, call Sachin.

The voice repeated in my head. No one could help me out of this. If Crimson tried she'll probably due along with me. And Sachin although on our side will also be risking his life. And Maksim will kill him without much debate because they already don't like each other.

For Fucks sakes, CALL HIM!!!

The voice screamed at me, this time making me fall to the ground holding my head in pain.

"HOW!!! how...how do...I call him?" I ask.

Misha has a phone on him.

I nod my head and crawl out of the bathroom. My head still pounded and my body started to cold sweat all of a sudden.

Upon reaching Misha, I search him as instructed. I pat him down and come to a stop to the end of his pants. Rolling up his pants, I see the phone printing out through his socks.

Taking it out, I press the On button and a fingerprint sign pops up. Reaching over to Misha, I take his thumb and press it onto the phone. It opens and dings.

Scrolling through his contacts, I finally find Sachin's name. But it's Judas in his phone. I tap it to make the call but a face recognition sign pops up.

So I crawl higher up Misha's body and turn his face so that it was straight. His eyes were still open. Grabbing his pocket hanky I wipe his face of the blood.

"Fucking Asshole. Don't ever mess with a Vitcenzo or you get dead, bitch," I tell him and smile.

Finally, I put the phone to his face and it dings when it reads his face. The phone automatically calls Sachin and I place the phone by my ear.

On the fourth ring, he picks up the phone; "Sup, Asshole?"



"I never want to say goodbye to you." Crimson tells me and my heart hurts as I look at her eyes.

"I know but you have to go before Maksim reaches your room and sees you aren't there. I didn't show you this passageway for this, " I scold her and she pouts.

For those three days that Maksim left a few months ago, we had fucked so many times I lost count. In the morning time, she would use the secret tunnel I showed her to get to and from my room without being caught.

Sim thinks he knows this place like the back of his hand but he forgets that I was born first. I had no friends growing up so this was my playing territory. My brothers when they were born didn't play with me either so it was these walls and me.

I kiss Crim and tell her to go. She obeys and I throw myself on the bed with a sigh. My eyes start to get heavy because it was already way past midnight.

Then my phone rings on the small table in my room and I lazily get up to answer it. Looking at the screen I see that it's Misha. That fucker really has it coming for the way he treats Kisa.

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