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The War; The End

Third Person

   Crimson laid in bed. Her thoughts entangled in something deeper than life. Arden has been speaking with her constantly for the past twenty-four hours. Imploring her not to give up.

   She had just unwillingly birthed a monster; one she could not get away from. The now-dead cold child placed beside her in bed by Maksim to taunt her.  Yet, she couldn't bring herself to fall into depression. Her mind far from the room she has been kept prisoner.

   Maksim had never left the Torture Chamber. He had his men bring two more 19-year-old girls for him to rape, torture, and kill. They all bore a stunning resemblance to Crimson. His men saw nothing of it. Jasha, however, knew what was in Sim's mind.  

   His hatred for Crimson had resurfaced. He wanted a son. A boy child, to be born to him. To teach him his own twisted Mafia ways and to be his heir. He still had use for Crimson; to impregnate her again. Which would never happen no matter how much he willed it. While he could not kill her just yet, his evil, dark, murderous thoughts of doing it were played out on these innocent, young girls.



   The morning was quiet. My body was still drained from the day before. Seeing the child laying stiff next to me sent a wave of pain and hatred surging through my body. Maksim loved playing sick jokes. But our monster baby haunts him now more than it has me.

I could see the shadows of two men outside my door. They were placed there so I could not leave this room.

   There could be fifty men out there all in an effort to keep me in my room.  With a cry to my grandmother, I swung my feet off the bed and stood up.

A burst of strength flowed through me.  Pulling the heavy drapes, I looked out the window into the horizon; and that's when I saw...


Noon -

   There was a car approaching the gates of the estate. It drew closer and closer and the men at the gate stepped forward to see who it was. But the car did not stop. It rammed straight through the gate, killing the men that stood guarding it. Without hesitation, three men flung open the doors and stepped out, guns blazing, and opened fire!

   These men came with a purpose. Within seconds five of Maksim's best guards were shot dead. By then everyone sprung into action. I could hear the men of the estate shouting, cocking their guns and running through the hallways to fend off the attackers.

   Outside, the three men stood tall. They all wore black suits as if dressed for a funeral. I recognized Cassius and Sachin. The other man looked extremely familiar. I did not get a good look at his face yet.

Then, he spoke.

   "TODAY IS THE DAY THAT THE WORLD WOULD BE RID OF YOU. TODAY IS THE DAY THE 'MAFIA MONDE' IS RENEWED. WE HAVE COME TO KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"His voice rang out through the estate with an uncanny unsettling tone and volume.

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