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Salvation Is Here


The minute I saw him standing there, I knew that he would be my savior. My brother.

Cassius was the one my grandfather called my salvation. And Sachin was with him just as he said. For the first time in a long while, I felt just a tinge of hope. The spark of fire that had now become a raging inferno in the depths of my tortured soul.

He had grown out his hair to where it followed onto his shoulders. Cass seemed talker and bigger from the last time I saw him. Packing muscles for good measure. I wanted to cry with the overwhelming emotions I felt at the wedding.

I couldn't even embrace him and tell him the story of how I got here. I bet that Sachin already filled him on the details of our capture.

The worse part was when he had to watch the ritual and basically watch my rape. He left not too long after the sex ritual started only returning close to the end of it.

The following day Sachin managed to slip a note in my hands, our fingers lingered in touch. And this brings us to the present. I'm sitting in the bathroom with the door locked and with a sleeping Maksim on the other side of it.

I held said note in my hands and for some reason, I hesitated to read it. Of course, the voice in my head was back.

Read it Crimson!

And so I unfolded the paper and smiled when I saw the black ink with Cass' horrible five-year-old handwriting. Well, that didn't change!

Dearest Sister,
As you can most definitely tell I still suck at penmanship. I'm so sorry I was not there to protect you Crimson. I hope that one day you find it in your heart to forgive me. This place is worse than hell. Those bodies outside were an eye opener to who Maksim really is. Sachin tells me, that him and his two other brothers, Jasha and Misha are also doing that to innocent people.

He also told me that Maksim abuses you and that Kisa is just another beating away from a psychic breakdown but you seem to be the glue that holds her together. I know about Sy and I can't promise that she will not be killed along with her beloved husband. She is betraying us all.

Crims, I saw her while Kisa was crying and you looked dead during that fucking ritual, she was enjoying it. It's a disgrace and I'm disgusted by who she has become. Our family will have their vengeance and all those who clearly aren't with us is against us. Blood day is coming!

I just need you to have patience. Maksim is the most powerful man right now in the Mafia world. But he is new to the game and does not know all its secrets. When under attack we fight or go underground. And although he may feel that he killed all his rivals the majority that are loyal to the Vincenzo name are in hiding, waiting on a leader and the perfect time to strike.

So keep doing what you are doing. Be the loving wife he wants. Be the queen that he wants, fearless and witty. Remember being a badass is what we are great at. Remember grandma's stories and you will draw strength from them.

Finally, I want you to be careful while going around Sachin. He is perfect for you but Maksim is a jealous man so just be careful. Sachin looks out for you Crim he loves you. I could tell just by the way talks about you. If you have anything you want to send me, send it through him.

I love you Crimson stay strong, I'm coming!

Your Brother,

After reading his letter I flushed it down the toilet. Then I sat back and pondered on his words. Everyone wasn't gone. Some are still alive. All hope really isn't lost.

Now I have a new fear, can we really fight against them and win?

There are greater forces at work here. Cassius has a mission apart from just saving you. He has to eradicate that religion and set Michael free from their twisted way of worship to him. Crimson he will win and you will have blood on behalf of blood.

The voice said. I knew it was my grandfather talking to me. It was always him or my grandma.

But I have a mission of my own. Sychar can't be swept away with this corrupted family I had to set her straight. If she could still be redeemed. I bet she did not know that Jasha helped in the torture and massacre that was quite evident outside. Hell, I didn't even know. But I should have. If Maksim and Misha were in it together observably he would be in it too. They did everything together.

Whatever is blinding Sy it's about time she fucking sees clearly.

Although I had not seen her until yesterday, I have to make myself more available to her. I had cut myself off from her because of this very reason. She chooses him over us. But not if I could help it.

Time to cut the bullshit!

When I stepped out of the bathroom Maksim was up and waiting for me. "Morning love," he greeted me with a sly grin on his face.

"Hey, Sim," I greeted back walking fully out of the bathroom closing its door behind me. I strip off my robe and walk over to him. I still had my silk nightgown on.

He opened his arms for me and I climbed up on him and straddle him. I lay my head on his chest and he hugs my small frame to him.

"I'm proud of you," he whispers to me and I smile up at him.

"For what?" I ask him and he kisses me deeply on the lips leaving me breathless.

"You were perfect during the ritual. It means a lot to me because it's how I get to the highest heaven when I die, " he tells me and I smile up at him.

How idiotic! There is no such thing as the highest heaven, his religion is a joke and in the end, he will have to face all those he murdered in the afterlife. It will be his own personal hell because they will torture him every day for eternity and he could never die from it. That fate is reserved for the darkest of souls.

"Sim, I don't get to hang with my sister. I will like some time with Sy if that okay with you and Jasha, " I told him basically asking for his permission.

"Fine." he grunts running his hands up my back. I was getting really good at acting and pretending to be falling for him. But if you looked deep into my blue eyes you could see the hate for him swirling around in them.

I kiss him and roll off him as he got up "Crimson, I will be leaving for a couple of days on business. I'm leaving Jasha and Misha in charge." he says pulling out a suit and laying it on the bed.

I don't respond to him and I just flip on the tv, I was unbothered by his words. If I was not in charge that means I could do some snooping. And it was the perfect opportunity to set Sychar on the straight part.

When he came out of the bathroom I spoke: "When do you leave?"

"I leave now actually." he says dressing in front of me and goes into the closet pulling out his already packed bag.

Maksim throws it over his shoulder and I stand on the bed walking on it until I reached him. He drops the bag as I jump into his arms, my legs around his waist as I bring my lips to his.

"You really want me to stay don't you?" He says with a smirk and I scoff in my head but nod at him inwardly.

"It's only a few days Crim." he lets me down and I give him a little pout and he laughs. "You're cute, you know that?" he tells me tapping my nose, which I hated.

Maksim eventually left the room and I fell back on the bed happy. He was gone and I can finally breathe.

Good job Celine.


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