[br] that was so real, i was so convinced [allon]

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"Babyyyyy, let's go out to eat or somethiiiiing."

"Have no money,"

"Hmm... wait.. I have an idea!"

"What is it?"


About thirty minutes later, both Brendon and Dallon were walking into the Italian restaurant, holding hands with sly grins on their faces. Brendon spoke up in the most unconvincing way, "Oh my god, babe. This is the best." making Dallon snort in an unattractive way.

They got to the center of the restaurant and that was when Dallon got onto one knee in front of Brendon and open a velvet box with a silicone ring in it. Brendon pretended to be surprised and gasped, covering his mouth with both hands, but it was really just to hide the stupid smile he had on his face. "Brendon, baby, you are the light of my life, the reason I get out of bed. Marry me." He and Brendon alike almost laughed out loud at the dumb fucking speech he had just made. Brendon somehow conjured up real tears in his eyes and fanned his face before pulling Dallon up from his wrists, "YESYESYES, OH MY GOD!"

He jumped up into his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. By now, they had people watching and "aww'ing" at them. The pressed their lips together for just a few seconds before Dallon slipped the ring onto Brendon's finger. "Free food for the newly engaged couple!"

They realized they could do this at a bunch of different places at that moment.


Brendon and Dallon were heading out to eat at another restaurant. After their first stunt of pretending to get engaged at the restaurant, they did it several more times at several different places. Only this time, Dallon had prepared a real speech and had a real ring in the small velvet box in his jacket pocket. Yes, he was legitimately going to propose to his boyfriend of three years. Needless to say, he was nervous. "Ready to go, Bren?"

Brendon bolted down the hall, fixing the hat on his head, "Yeah, coming,"

They headed out to another restaurant they hadn't been to yet. Dallon purposefully drove to a French restaurant, because everybody knows French anything is romantic and/or sexy as fuck. After they got to said restaurant, they stood at the center of the building and Dallon got down on knee and cleared his throat. Which he never did when they pulled these stunts. He opened the box to reveal a realistic looking engagement ring and that alone made Brendon gasp.

He took a shaky deep breath. "Brendon. I want to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share silence when they aren't and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home."

He took another breath and continued, "Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one of us will want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know you're the only one for me."

"Brendon Boyd Urie, will you marry me?" Brendon had a dramatic reaction and nodded quickly before pulling Dallon up and kissing him. He slipped the ring on his finger and one of the chefs declared free food for the newly engaged couple. Brendon and Dallon sat at a table and Brendon tangled his legs with Dallon. "This ring looks so real and that speech, my god. I actually felt real emotions. You did good, babe."

Fuck Brendon's blindness to the situation.

After they got home and cozied up in bed, Brendon turned on his stomach and squinted his eyes at Dallon, "That was extremely convincing, I legitimately thought you were actually proposing to me, like, for real. I got really excited and then I remembered we were doing it for food."

"Um.. well, uh..."


"I, umm..."

"Dallon, was that a real proposal?" Dallon shrugged meekly before looking at Brendon. The latter gasped and squealed, "WAS IT ACTUALLY?!"



"I think you threw it in your jewellery box after we came home." Brendon ran out of bed to get his ring. After a few moments, he came back with the ring on his finger, his smile brighter than the morning sun. "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too."


whoo dis is long
almost 830 words

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