[br] this'd be a good story to tell the kids [allon]

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HEWWO DEWE i have come back
this be an apology for not updating for like a month

it's so stupid XDDDD


brendon bit his lip as dallon sat up slightly stared down at him with his twinkling blue eyes. he smiled and leaned down to kiss once more before reaching over to the night stand to grab the small bottle of lubricant. he squeezed a generous amount on his palm and rubbed it along his erection.

it felt oddly thick for some reason.. eh, whatever. it's probably just old. he gripped brendon's hip with his left hand and placed the other on brendon's chest. brendon wrapped his legs around dallon's waist and pulled him closer as he gripped his biceps.

he gently pressed in with a grunt, making brendon let out a low moan and push down against him. dallon leaned down to kiss brendon passionately and he started rocking his hips back and forth slowly. after a few moments, it was getting more and more difficult to move in and out.

brendon seemed to notice this too, as he looked down in between their legs and reached up to turn the lamp on. his eyes widened when he saw a bottle of gorilla glue next to his hip instead of the lube. he whipped his head to the side and saw the half empty bottle of lube sitting on the small drawer all by its lonesome. "fuck."

by now, dallon noticed his mistake and was pulling out as fast as he could. when he finally removed himself, he grabbed brendon's hand and ran them both to the bathroom, turning on the shower and squeezing soap all over his dicky doo, stroking it as fast as possible with a wash cloth to get the glue off. brendon had to finger himself to get his asshole cleaned out and honestly the whole experience was just embarrassing.

when they were finally cleaned, their erections had gone down, so they weren't exactly in the mood to do it anymore. instead, they both pulled on some boxer briefs and climbed under the sheets, brendon's head resting against dallon's chest. dallon curled brendon's wet hair around his fingers as he stared up at the ceiling.

"why was there a bottle of gorilla glue on our night stand?"

"remember the other day when i literally broke the headboard while i was screwing you into oblivion?"


"well, i fixed it with gorilla glue while you were at the studio and i think i may have left it there."

"well, no shit."

"shut up. anyways, i'm sorry.. i ruined our special night being stupid."

"oh, come on. wasn't intentional. besides, we have aaaaaaall day tomorrow." brendon lifted his head and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. dallon shook his head, laughed and gave him a small, sweet kiss on the mouth. "think of it this way, if we ever have kids, this'll be a good story to tell them."

"good night, brendon."

"nighty-night, dallykins."


also i can't write smut for shit so

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