bob ross = precious purest saint

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the thing that made dallon wake up from his sleep was not the weird groundhog day dream he was having and it wasn't the fact that he had no share of his blankets whatsoever.

it was the little sniffles and shaking of the bed from silent sobs.

he groaned lightly and sat up. it took him a moment re-orient himself and get the sleepy blurriness out of his eyes, but when he finally did, he turned to his right and looked at the other man laying in his bed. he sighed silently and leaned over him, pressing little kisses on his cheek and neck. "hey, baby.. what's wrong?"

brendon sniffled as he turned his phone off and shoved it under his pillow, saying, "it's nothing," and turning to face the tall man.

in the very dim light filling the room from a nightlight plugged into the wall behind brendon's nightstand, dallon could see a thick layer of tears on his eyes. he pouted sympathetically and hugged him close as they fell back asleep.

the next morning, brendon didn't seem sad at all. he actually was in a very, very good mood. he woke dallon up with a sweet kiss, made breakfast, lunch and dinner, cleaned up a little bit and continued working on his music. all of which was suspicious to dallon.

if his depression came back, he would have told him, right?

it's not like it was terribly bad in the first place, but it was enough to send brendon into a spiral of bad decisions and an awful lifestyle. dallon had picked him up and helped him through it, and soon, no more depression. it wasn't totally gone, but dallon had such a big impact on brendon that brendon didn't even notice it was there most of the time.

if it did come back full force, he wouldn't have even got up today, so that couldn't be it.

was it a dream?

he then remembered brendon had shut off his phone before dallon saw it.

something on brendon's phone made him cry.

as dallon wrote lyrics with brendon, he thought about all the possible things that would make brendon urie cry.

he doesn't cry at human restoration videos, he doesn't watch animal restoration videos ("it's stupid to put yourself through that emotional rollercoaster, so no.")...

he'll cry at certain animated movies...

dallon snapped his pencil, making brendon jump and look at him wide-eyed. "that's it!" dallon stood up and pointed at him, "you were watching dumbo last night, weren't you? that's why you were crying?"

brendon giggled and shook his head, "no, i wasn't watching dumbo last night. i only watch that with you."

"ugh, damn it." he plopped back down on the couch and fiddled with the two pencil pieces.

"...anyways, let me see what you wrote." dallon handed the sheets to brendon, who snorted shortly after this eyes scanned over the paper.

dallon eyed the other man curiously, "what?"

brendon cleared his throat and tried to keep from laughing as he read what was written on the sheet, "i've never so adored you, i'm twisting allegories now, i want to complicate you, brendon doesn't cry at human restoration videos."

dallon let out a small laugh and facepalmed at his own writing. "it's hard to write one thing when you're thinking of another."

"nah, those are the lyrics, that's going in the album, it's confirmed."

"oh my god."

dallon sat on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. he leaned over and grabbed the television remote, "brendon, wanna watch bob ross with me?"

brendon poked his head into the living room and hesitantly bit his lip as he looked at the tv, which displayed a glowing picture of a smiling bob ross.

he could keep it together this time, couldn't he? yes, he could.

"sure, why not?" he took his glasses off and set them on the side table when he cuddled up to dallon. as the older man hit the play button and the introduction played, brendon's heart hammered against his chest as they watched the tv.

"hi, welcome back. certainly glad you could join us today. it's a fantastic day here and i hope it is wherever you are." the man on the screen smiled and turned slightly to his canvas as he continued talking.

brendon could already feel tears welling up in his eyes and held his breath, praying dallon couldn't feel his shakiness or his rapidly beating heart. dallon was slightly smiling as he watched the show, being totally invested in the episode.

brendon didn't want to move because he didn't want to hurt dallon, who quite enjoyed watching the painting show with his boyfriend. but he also couldn't because penny lane was curled up on his lap and we all know it's against every law to move when a dog is sleeping on you. plus, dallon had a strong arm wrapped around his shoulder and it felt nice. dallon is more comfortable than his own bed.

he let out a small sigh and leaned his head on the other man.

then the most dreaded thing happened.

the tears rolled down his face and soaked through dallon's shirt.

brendon didn't notice he was freely crying because he was to busy listening to bob ross talking about the little painter man at the beginning until dallon looked at him. "brendon? what's wrong?"

brendon looked back at dallon who was looking at him concernedly and gave him a small smile before he burst into quiet little sobs. "he's so pure..."

dallon was seriously confused as brendon tugged him close and cried into his neck until he glanced at the television screen and it made sense.

and it was precious.

with a smile only bogart could see, he rubbed brendon's back softly. "are you... are you talking about. bob ross?" he nodded and sniffled.

"he's such a saint and i even met him one time, he was so nice... and now he's dead-"

"oh, hey, come on, it's fine.. he just.. he just decided to go back to heaven. i bet you one hundred percent he's up there, with mister rogers, watching and taking care of the world. hm?" brendon nodded again and he rubbed his face.

"i'm sorry, it's a stupid thing to be emotional about- i just.. gah, he's literally so pure."

dallon smiled and kissed his boyfriend's head. "that sensitivity is one of the reasons why i love you so, so much." brendon giggled and hooked his arms around dallon's neck, pulling him down for another hug. the angle was awkward since penny was still on brendon's lap, but dallon bathed in the warmth and comforting feel that was brendon.

double update for y'all because i love you so much uwu
also so i can talk about kyler moss more w ma fwens

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