dallon urie

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i was one of those boys that were never considered "bad", but also never "good".

i was never affected by much, didn't feel positive emotions often. i was bored all the time.

and then i met you.

dallon weekes, the tall, geeky boy with the chocolate brown hair and crystal blue eyes. the boy who wears silly bowties and suspenders to school and fanboys over things like doctor who and star wars.

at first, i thought you were incredibly annoying, but when spencer started inviting you to do more things with us, you grew on me.

when you told me about your lifelong depression and social anxiety, i felt special for some reason. i felt things i never thought i would want to feel.

we soon grew super close to the point where we couldn't get any closer as friends, but to where i developed a giant crush on your dorky ass. i think the feelings were mutual at the time, but i wouldn't know.

i have no idea when i fell in love with you, but it doesn't even matter. all that matters is that i did.

when i.. told you, you didn't feel totally the same, but you happily accepted me. i was kinda bummed you didn't feel the exact same way, but the happiness i felt when you gave me a chance with the brightest, most innocent smile totally outweighed that.

our first kiss was something else. it wasn't even all that great, it was messy and inexperienced in the rain at the bus stop. but it was still special to me.

i remember the first time i brought up sex, you got all flustered and nervous. i felt bad, but seeing you that way was still the cutest thing on i have ever seen on this god damn planet.

we finally tried doing it after our first two years of being together. you had just moved out and i did too.

you cried.

you cried so much and it broke my heart.

when i asked you what was wrong, you shook your head and smiled, saying nothing was wrong, that you were overwhelmed with emotions and before that time, you were scared nobody would ever want to touch you.

i don't know why, you're amazing.

we didn't even finish that night, we just kinda stopped and cuddled until we fell asleep.

there have been so many joy-filled and sad and happy moments in our amazing three years together that i can't help but ask you this.

the note ended there and brendon cleared his throat, making dallon turn around.

the younger man pulled a box out of his pocket and got onto his knee. dallon could see where it was going, and he gasped very quietly. it was a very faint hitch.

"will you marry me?"

"um- yeah, sure. i mean, um- of course i will!" the tall man lunged at the other in a hug and they laid there for a long while, just basking in each other's presence.

so pussycat was like #9 in the brallon tag and that depresses me because it's literally so bad

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