prom night (alternate ending)

172 10 9

i hate
and tyler joseph
but mostly myself

also reading this before reading the original one would probably be confusing so if you haven't read the original oneshot already for some reason do that before reading this

"how about you get dressed and take him? you know, as his date."

"r- ryan,  what the heck? you know how i feel about him, and taking him on a platonic date will only make it worse for me!"

"i guarantee you he feels the same, he just doesn't realize it yet. he knows you're amazing in every way, not to mention incredibly handsome. nothing could go wrong. he's sweet, you're sweet. he's cute, you're cute. you're perfect for each other! come on, just give it a try."


"..f- fine, i'll do it. give me ten minutes." ryan grinned and gave him a tight hug before heading back over to his friend. dallon darted up the stairs and to his room to quickly get dressed.

about ten minutes later, dallon was at the bottom of the steps, wearing a black on black, on black, on black suit, a stark contrast to brendon's bright red.

and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

ryan opened the door, revealing ryan ross. brendon's original date.

the blue-haired boy put a hand up to his mouth as he looked at dallon with wide eyes. "heya. brendon is, uh.. here, right?"

ryan nodded and jabbed his thumb in the direction of the couch brendon was sat on. "um.. yeah, come on in."

ryan stepped in with a smile on his face and walked into the say down next to brendon, who was still rubbing tear away. "hey, hey.. don't cry, alright? i'm here now, we can go and have fun together." he wiped his tears away and kissed his cheek. brendon giggled and nodded, wrapping his arms around ryan's neck and giving him a deep kiss.

they didn't even notice dallon, who was already quietly stepping up the stairs, feeling totally crushed.

when he got to his bedroom, he slammed the door shut, loosening his tie and practically ripping the jacket off of himself, tossing both articles of clothing somewhere in the room. ryan very slowly opened the door and poked his head in, looking at his poor brother sympathetically.

he walked in and shut it behind himself, making his way over to the taller boy and sitting down next to him. the brunet just sighed and leaned against his shoulder heavily.

ryan rubbed dallon's back soothingly as he finally broke down, sobbing very quietly. he didn't try saying anything, knowing that probably no amount of words could fix the massive crack in his big brother's heart at the moment.

dallon knew it was ridiculous to cry over brendon, but he couldn't really help it at that point. he was just totally overwhelmed with such negative emotions and he didn't know how to really deal with it, other than cry it out.

and he did that for almost ten minutes. he sobbed right into his brother's shoulder.

eventually, brendon had knocked on the door, asking if everything was alright and even cracked it open a little bit to look inside. he was surprised to see dallon weekes dressed up in a black suit, sobbing his eyes out on ryan's shoulder.

ryan's head shot up and he looked at brendon with wide eyes, silently telling him to shut the god-fucking-damn door as if his life depended on it, which brendon immediately obeyed him and shut it quietly.

soon, dallon had cried himself to sleep and ryan took off his shoes, put his favorite doctor who blanket over his sleeping body and rubbed his shoulder, giving him the quickest, tiniest kiss on the forehead before standing up and walking out after snapping off the light.

when he got downstairs, brendon and ryan were sitting on the couch, one looking concerned and one looking bored. i'll leave you to determine which was which.

"are we ready to go?" (OHH OH GET ME OUT OF MY MIND GET ME OUT OF MY MIND)

"yeah. it's about time you got down here, god. what took you so long anyways?"

"it's a brother thing, you wouldn't understand. anyways, let's go. dallon gave me his keys so we can take his car."

ryan was the first out the door, but brendon lingered behind with other ryan. (EYYYYYY IT'S RYAN AND OTHER RYAN WHO ELSE LOVES OLD 8BIT-GAMING just me ok)

he whispered to him as they walked out, "is everything okay with dallon?"

"everything's fine, he just breaks down sometimes. he'll, um. be okay by tomorrow."

brendon looked unsure, but didn't press on about it, instead climbed into the backseat and rode off with ryan and, well. ryan to have the best night in his high school life.

well there ya go

if i made a book out if this, would any if you read it???? hmmm,,,

*forgive mistakes, it's late and i was supposed to be asleep hours ago but i got slapped in the face with this idea so yeah i love you

!DISCONTINUED! // he had the world // brallon oneshots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat