[br] honey, i don't have an ass [allon]

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dallon let out strange humming noises as he inspected himself in the mirror. brendon watched him from his place on the bed and absent-mindedly traced little circles on his own stomach. "hmm..."

"dallon, what are you doing?"

the other man perked up and turned to look at his boyfriend. "oh. um, i'm just looking at myself in the mirror."

brendon looked dallon up and down.  "you don't usually do anything like that unless you feel insecure about something. so spill."

fricking brendon.

"it's nothing, i promise." brendon lifted one leg and stretched weirdly. "i know when something is bothering you and something is clearly bothering you. just tell me now, otherwise i will bug you about it all day." dallon sighed and rubbed the back of his neck before taking a deep breath and blurting out, "brendon, honey, i don't have an ass."

brendon snorted and slapped a hand over the lower half of his face to keep his smile hidden. "is that all?"

"yes! and it may seem ridiculous to you, but i'm self-conscious about that kind of thing..." the older sat on the end of the bed and rubbed his own arms, shrugging sheepishly. "i hate being so thin and bony. i want to be a little hippy and i want to have just a bit too much extra weight on my thighs and- and butt."

brendon looked at his poor, suffering baby with a sympathetic pout. he crawled over to him and wrapped his arms around his torso and kissed his cheek loudly. "being thick isn't all that fun, ya know. i'm constantly knocking things over with my big ass, i have a hard time putting my pants on and i bounce when i run. i also walk with this weird sway. like i said, not that fun." he fiddled with a loose thread on the collar of the other male's shirt and bite his bottom lip. "besides, i love thin guys. and your thighs are perfect as they are. the right amount of squishiness without being too heavy."

dallon frowned and turned to push his face into the side of brendon's neck. "i love you."

"aw, i love you too, baby."

"sorry for being so weirdly self-conscious about something like that..." he muttered almost inaudibly.

"how many times have i told you to not apologize for something like that? it's okay to be insecure about weird stuff, everybody's insecure about weird stuff."

dallon sighed and closed his eyes. "i know, i can't help, it i'm sorry."

brendon shook his head and just laid back on the bed, pulling dallon down with him. "we are removing that word from your vocabulary."

ayyyy i've been obsessed with my instagram and ryan book lately, i almost forgot about my brallon book and the oneshots. i will try to get a brallon chapter out later, but no definite promises.

i actually kinda like this one because i hate my body so much :D

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