[fr] he's not getting it back [erard]

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hello!! happy december first!!! it has been a while, no? sorry for not updating a lot, stuff just likes to happen. but i've got some ideas and prompts and on top of that, i'm in a writing mood 💞 uwu
anddddd, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER JOSEPH, MY SWEET BOY! 💖💖💖 (expect a birthday oneshot later)

(this isn't my idea and i would provide an image with this one, but due to my kindle being weird, i cannot.)


gerard and frank were walking downtown, just admiring the freshly fallen snow and christmas lights, taking in the scent of freshly brewed coffee as they walked past their favorite café. frank thought it was a good idea to wear a thin long-sleeved whereas gerard was perfectly wrapped up in his coat, hoodie and scarf, keeping himself nice and warm.

gerard's arm was wrapped around frank's waist and to be honest, that was the only thing keeping frank warm. frank shivered violently as his teeth chattered together, "jesus, it's cold..."

gerard smiled slightly, "wait." stopped walking to take off his coat, handing it to frank. "hold this for a moment." he unravelled his scarf and pulled his hoodie off. he took his coat back and put it on, handing the sweater to frank. "put it on."

frank smiled and tugged it over his head, pulling the hood up. it was a bit big, due to the fact that frank is small as hell. the sleeves were a bit longer than his arms and the hood reached all the way down to his nose. gerard wrapped the scarf around frank's neck and replaced his arm on his waist. "better?"

frank nodded and leaned in to gerard's hold. "better."

later, gerard walked frank home, following him to the doorstep, "i'll give it back later." he gestured to the hoodie. gerard smiled warmly and nodded before giving frank a soft kiss on the cheek and walking back to his own house. frank watched gerard until he was out of sight. he opened the door and called out to his mother, "mom, i'm back!"

"hello, sweetie! in the kitchen!"

he walked into the kitchen and kissed his mom's forehead, "i'm gonna go to my room."

"that's fine." he nodded before running up the stairs, kicking his shoes off at the top. he tumbled into his bedroom, shut the door, wiggled out of his pants, tugged off his socks and collapsed onto his bed. he curled up his legs so he was fully encased in the hoodie and brought his hands, which were also entirely covered by the sleeves, up to his nose. he breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of his boyfriend.

was it creepy? yeah.

would it be disturbing to somebody else? hell yes.

did frank exactly care? of course not.

"he's not getting it back.." he giggled to himself and rolled around on his bed.


this is so creepy lmao.
forgive me of my mistakes, i've gottne used to autocorrect lately.

!DISCONTINUED! // he had the world // brallon oneshots Where stories live. Discover now