[josh+pete+br] *stomps* *sketchers light up* [ler+rick+allon]

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teen au again wHOOP


tyler and josh made the mistake of going on a camping trip with brendon, dallon, pete and patrick. they made another mistake of letting brendon lead them on a small (long) walk through the trees. they got lost.

one of tyler's biggest fears is getting jumped in the dark. so when it got dark, every little thing would make him jump, the wind rustling through the trees, brendon purposefully stepping on sticks loudly, dallon trudging through the leaves, patrick sneezing, pete whistling, josh's hands on his waist. wait, josh's hands were on his waist?


yay, josh's hands were on his waist!

"hey, you okay?"

"um.. yeah. just a bit spooked." brendon held his flashlight up to his up to his face, casting a pretty creepy shadow across it. "y'know, i talked to a few people before we came out here and they said this forest is haunted."

patrick shook his head at his best friend's childishness. "no it isn't."

"yes it is!"

dallon whacked brendon on the back of the head. "stop it, you're kinda freaking tyler out."

at this point, tyler was clinging to josh, furrowing his eyebrows and staring at brendon. they continued walking a bit further when the flashlights ran out of battery. "are you freaking kidding me!" josh smacked his flashlight a couple times before sighing. "it's not working."

"yeah, same for these." now tyler was freaking out, "josh, i'm getting scared..."

"there should be some batteries in my pocket.. um..." dallon reached into his sweater pockets and felt around."shit..."


josh rolled his eyes. he didn't want it to come to this.

"hold on, i got this, babe."

he released tyler and stomped his feet, lighting up his sketchers.

everybody stared at josh.

their serious moment of panic and spooks was broken by josh's sketchers.

"really, josh?"


"what? sketchers are awesome."

tyler was giggling and trying not to snort against his hand while brendon and pete were laughing uncontrollably, slapping each other on the back.

the funny moment was broken by a twig snapping.

brendon froze. "what was that?"

pete shrugged. "i dunno, i thought it was you."

"do i look like i'm fucking moving?" pete shrugged again.

dallon jumped out from behind a tree wearing a ski mask and roared at brendon, making him scream in a high-pitched manly way, eliciting a chain reaction.

now pete and brendon were screaming in a high pitch, patrick was stuck frozen like a deer caught in headlights, and josh was trying to calm down tyler who was hyperventilating and crying.

pete punched dallon in the stomach, making him keel over and clutch it, the mask falling off his face. "dallon?!"

"you scared us to death!!"

poor dallon had the wind knocked out of him. "i'm sorry..."

"oh my god, that was amazing! i.. was totally freaked out! thank you!" brendon engulfed dallon in a tight hug and sloppy kiss.

"wow, that was weird."

"yeah, he kissed dallon because he scared him."

"how about you kiss me because you can?" patrick rolled his eyes and jumped into pete's arms, kissing him softly.

josh was already kissing poor tyler, who at this point was holding on to josh for dear life.


aha. sorry, idk what this is.

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