[fr] drugstore perfume [erard]

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frank worked at a small drugstore on a street corner. only a few costumers came in a day, but he didn't care. he was getting paid, that's all that matters to him.

he was leaning on the counter, flipping through an alternative press magazine he snagged off the shelf when the little bell on the door jingled. his head shot up to see who just came through the door. a young man.

he had long, messy, unnaturally black hair. it made his hazel eyes stand out beautifully.

he put his hands in the pockets of his black coat and looked around, biting his bottom lip. "can i help you?"

the man jumped and looked at frank. his heart stopped. damn, this man is fucking gorgeous. "um.. yeah, do you sell perfume here? it's my best friend's birthday in a few days and i wanted to get her something nice."

"yup. we carry perfume. follow me." frank walked out from behind the counter and beckoned the other man to follow him. he walked him over to the back where there was a round, three-tier glass stand holding several different brands. "none of it is particularly expensive, but most of it smells really nice."

"ah. thank you."

"you're absolutely welcome."

frank walked back to the counter, waiting for either another customer or the man to come up to the front to buy the perfume. he went back to flipping through his magazine and quietly humming a song he had stuck in his head.

the raven hue finally came up to the counter, holding a small dark blue glass bottle with a rose gold colored sprayer. frank stood up straight and smiled at him, getting a smile back. after he rang it up and the man paid, he smiled shyly at him. "thanks, uh..?" the man asked questioningly.

"oh, uh. frank."

"thank you, frank. i'm gerard. nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you too. hope you come by again." frank smirked and winked at him, making gerard a blushing mess as he stumbled out of the store.


a few days later, gerard walked in with another very tallish who had a dorky haircut, glasses with thin, black frames a red beanie and hazel eyes, much like gerard. frank smiled and waved at him. "hiya." he saw the other man whisper something in his ear and unsubtly point his thumb in his direction, making gerard nod. the other man stood up straight and raised an eyebrow as he looked at frank.

"hey.." frank went back to his phone, not really expecting much more conversation, until gerard cleared his throat. he looked up and realized gerard was stood right in front of the counter. "need help finding something?"

"well, uh... it's not that."

"ah. so... what is it?"

"well... i was wondering.. um..." the black-haired man looked down at his hands and chewed in his bottom lip nervously as he sort of blushed.


gerard closed his eyes tightly shut. "doyouthinkthatmaybewecouldgooutsometimenextweek?"

frank could barely understand the rushed words, but he did nonetheless. his eyes widened a bit and he blushed lightly. "um... sure..."

the other man smirked at them and whistled as he pretended to look at the shelves. gerard breathed out a sigh of relief and looked up at frank through his eyelashes, a small smile adorning his lips. "that went a lot better than any scenario i thought of." frank breathed out a small laugh and smiled at gerard. "next wednesday, 6:00 pm?"

"sounds good." gerard put a small piece of paper on the counter. "i'll text you my address later, okay?"


"see you then, frank."

"later, handsome." gerard looked back down at his feet with a big smile and tucked some hair behind his ear. he looked back up at the other man. "come on, mikey, let's go."

"you go on ahead, i want to buy something." gerard nodded and waved at frank, who waved back, before heading out the door to his car.

the other man he was with, mikey, grabbed some random bottle off the shelf and walked up to the counter, putting the bottle on it. as frank started ringing it up, mikey spoke. "you hurt him, i'll break your tiny legs."

frank looked up at him with a scared expression to see he was being serious. "uh.. total is, um... th-three seventy-nine..."

mikey paid, grabbed the bottle and left, leaving frank sweating and worried for his life.

mikey got into the passenger's seat and looked at the item he bought, groaning when he saw the label.

"why did you buy lube??"


fast forward a few months and gerard & frank were in a steady relationship. a full year later, gerard moved in with frank.


fast-forward to two more years later

frank walked into gerard's art room, smiling as he looked around at the messy area. he walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing his cheek noisily. "get dressed baby, we're going out."

gerard looked at him. "so suddenly?" frank nodded and kissed him on the lips before standing up straight and walking out of the room.

both men got dressed semi-formally and went out frank's car, got buckled up and headed out.

"so... where are we going?"

"i'm not telling you. it's a surprise, dear love."

gerard smiled at the cute nickname he was given and he just stared at frank with love-filled, sparkly eyes.

they eventually got to their destination,  a small and quaint restaurant on a street corner. despite its placement, it was rather fancy.

they went in, ate at a table next to a window, one of gerard's personally favorite places to sit. next to a window. at one point, they just stopped talking and just stared into each other's eyes. frank held on to gerard's hand, rubbing his knuckles soothingly. "thank you for the sudden date, it was really sweet-"

"will you marry me?"

"um... what?"

"will you, gerard arthur way, marry me?"


"i know it's really sudden, and i don't even have a ring and i know you always wanted to be proposed to in autumn, outside in a beautiful forest with different colored leaves all around you, but- but i just love you so, so much and i thought, "if i don't propose to him right now,  i'll probably never have the courage to do it again", so will you please marry me?"

"y- yes, i will marry you. god, i fucking love you." gerard stood and yanked frank up by his tie, smashing their lips together. frank slowly wrapped his arms around gerard's waist and just barely kissed back as he was pulled into a tight, loving embrace. after the food was paid for, frank drove them both home.

the door swung open and clothes were being pulled off in a flurry as desperate hands grabbed at each other, gripping whatever skin they could.

legs and feet tripped and tangled together as they made their ways into the bedroom, slamming the door shut.


they both laid as a panting, sweating mess together on the bed with wide, tired smiles on their faces. a few minutes later, they pulled on some boxer briefs and climbed back onto the bed, frank cuddling up to gerard's chest, occasionally pressing a kiss or two to his jaw. they mumbled tired compliments back and forth to each other.

"i love you, gee..."

"i love you too, frank."

they both fell asleep shortly after.


part two coming out later (maybe).

*forgive mistakes, i'm only human.

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