surrogate .3

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"this is it, guys! i'm going to have a baby! i can't wait..."

"except that you look totally depressed about it."

"i- i just... this is the first time i've been pregnant, and.. well, it hasn't been too bad. i think i'm gonna miss being pregnant." she started crying and pete wrapped his arms around her in a hug, looking to the others with a confused expression.

"ryan, get the hell out of the way!" sarah threw a pillow right at his head, making the man move over.

jon was gently massaging her aching lower back while oceanman tried to braid her long, brown hair and brendon was bringing her snack after snack as moulin rouge played on the tv.

dallon just watched from the recliner with wide eyes.

suddenly, she sighed loudly and looked at dallon with a dangerous glint in her eye. "do you have to breathe so loud?" she threw a pillow at him and yelled for him to "stop breathing or she'll rip his friggin' nose off."

she was four days over her due date and she was starting to become even more uncomfortable and irritable than she previously was. she was so stupidly sensitive and any tiny little thing could easily set her off.

the guys tried their hardest to understand, but it was pretty much impossible.

they were both peacefully sleeping until they heard a loud and pained groan coming from sarah's room and they snapped awake, awake and alert. dallon pulled on a shirt and ran into sarah's room after she had screamed about how much it hurt and her water breaking. pete, who had decided to spend the night, was already at her side and helping her up. her breathing was heavy and labored, she was well past being verbal. pete lead her out to the car as she held his hand with bone-crushing grip.

and that's how three men and a pregnant, screaming woman all packed into a car and started on their trip to the hospital in under a minute.

sarah gripped pete's hand tightly as she hissed and breathed heavily. she honestly just wanted to kick the shit out of the windshield. she screamed at the searing pain tearing through her mid-section and let go of pete's hand to grab at dallon's hair and pull really fucking hard, making the man squeak. pete gently pried her hand off of his head.

when they got there, dallon was quick to stop the car in front of the emergency entrance and help her out of the seat, shouting at brendon and pete to get the stuff together and to call the rest of their friends.

all that happened in the span of about six minutes.

jon grimaced as he heard sarah's heart-wrenching screams from several rooms down and twisted his hands together. ryan was half asleep against spencer, who was already asleep himself, and kala was pacing back and forth as zack bounced his knee nervously.

the only one that was really calm was other ryan. but he was still freaking out on the inside.

she panted heavily as she heard the shrill cries of a baby fill the room. she closed her eyes and leaned her sweaty head back as brendon and dallon whispered loudly, "it's a boy!" she re-opened her eyes and was given her baby, which was wrapped in blue hospital cloths. she held him close and her eyes filled with tears as she whispered to the little one, "hey, baby... hi there," he stopped crying and grabbed her finger, opening his eyes to reveal slightly crossed, hazel irises.

(i tried to find knox's eyes color by looking back at old weekes posts on insta and i literally couldn't find anything so i'm saying hazel sue me if i'm wrong)

the doctor pulled his gloves off and smiled, "do we have a name for the handsome boy?"

"oh, um... no, they didn't decide on anything.. i think..."

"perfectly fine. let's get you cleaned up and situated in a new room, okay, sugar?" sarah smile tiredly in agreement. dallon gave her a kiss on the cheek and squeezed her hand. he looked between the two of them. "i'll be right back, okay?" they nodded and he quickly ran into the waiting lobby.

dallon pulled pete into a hug and yelled, "it has been twenty-nine hours since we got here and we have a boy!" shaking spencer and ryan from their morning sleep. spencer stretched his legs and squinted up at the two men, "what- what the hell is happening..."

jon turned to ryan and quickly said, "they have a boy," before he shot straight up and grabbed at dallon's shoulders, rushing his words out in a panic, "is sarah okay?"

the taller nodded and grinned, holding on to jon's elbows, "she's fine, she's fine, both the baby and sarah are healthy and perfectly okay."

ryan yawned, "do you have a name for him?"

dallon shook his head, "we were gonna let sarah name him since she kinda gave birth to him and, you know. carried him around for a whole nine months and two weeks."

kala smiled, "it's so sweet of you guys to do that."

everyone talked until brendon ran into the room, "you wanna see them?"

everybody nodded and they followed brendon to sarah's room. kala smiled brightly at the sight of sarah holding the baby. jon quickly walked over and gave her a hug, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of her head. he didn't even care that her hair was all sweaty, he was just happy she was okay.

every single one of them got to hold the little boy for a few seconds while sarah tied her hair up. "so, did you boys figure out what you wanted to call him?"


brendon bit his lip to suppress a smile, "we talked about it a while ago, and.."

"we want you to name him. doesn't matter what name you give him, we'll keep it."

"well, i- i don't- i.."

"it doesn't have to be now, it's perfectly okay. just keep in mind he does need a name before he's an adult."

"i think..." she looked at the tiny boy resting in her arms. "well, i decided when i was little that if i ever had a baby girl, her name would be olivia."

kala held up her thumbs in approval, "so oliver! perfect!"

"but- but he doesn't look like an oliver... oh, kala, help me!" her eyes got all watery at the pressure of having to find a name and everybody's hearts melted slightly and they all have her a massive hug.

sarah then gasped.

"i've got it!"

everybody raised their eyebrows at her.


pete smiled. "knox oliver urie-weekes-orzechowski. i like it." everybody else agreed and sarah turned her eyes back to knox, who was asleep, and she held his tiny baby hand between her forefinger and thumb.

"hello, knox oliver. welcome to the world."

all the men and both women were silent until pete spoke.

"guys, i left my pants at the house."

what i would give to see 2008 panic!, pete & dallon and sarah turn into a show like friends

*forgive mistakes i wrote each segment out of order

!DISCONTINUED! // he had the world // brallon oneshots Where stories live. Discover now