[fr] silent treatment [erard]

312 4 7

i am not sorry in advance


frank sighed dully as he rang up a cup of coffee, a smol box of cigarettes and a handful of candy bars.

working the night shift at a gas station/shitty fast food restaurant really bores the shit out of you when you've worked at the same dumb place for long enough. "9.25, please."

the man paid the respectful amount and headed out the door with a friendly smile and a wave. that was bert mccracken. he was a regular. and also pretty cool. frank likes bert. he keeps him company sometimes at the early hours of the morning and he makes the job of being an employee at this un-nameable gas station restaurant bearable at times.

sure, there are a few other people who come in that have nice dispositions, but that's not often.

yeah, people are- what? oh, wait.. yeah, i'm getting carried away. sorry, let's continue.

as frank stood there, he thought about his boyfriend, gerard. he had been giving him the silent treatment as of late. actually, for the several months. actually, exactly four months ago, they got into a major car accident. after they recovered, he just stopped talking to frank. he probably blames him for scarring up his perfect porcelain face, or bloodying up his snow white hair.

doesn't matter. frank still loves him to death. "okay, frank. i can take over, you head on home and get some rest."

"sure thing, spencer. thanks. see ya later."

"yup. see ya later."

frank headed to the back and grabbed his phone, his charger and his jacket and headed out to his motorcycle. before he started driving, he checked the time on his phone. surprisingly enough, not that late. only 1:23 am.

gerard would be happy to see frank got home early.


he entered the large, quiet and rather dark house. he looked around before spotting gerard's silhouette. "gee, you silly boy. what are doing sitting in the dark??" he flipped on the switch for the lights and made his way over to the unbelievably pale young man. he sat down next to him and studied his face.

he seemed to be getting whiter as the days passed. bloodied cuts all over his face (the blood that leaked from said cuts was now turning a disgusting dark brown and more thick & heavy), blood in his white hair (which was now falling out), a swollen eye, and demolished ribs with pieces of bone sticking out of his front and sides.

he saw maggots were actually starting to eat at his hand and let out a small whimper. "geeeeee, why didn't you tell me those damned bugs were at it again?" he stood up and went to the fridge and grabbed a container. he then went over to the counter to get a serrated knife and a needle & thread.

he went back to gerard and sat next to him. "this is definitely gonna hurt me more than you." he took the knife and started sawing his hand off. after it completely fell off his wrist, he opened the container which was up until then concealing a fresh dead hand to put on his wrist.

he took the hand and sewed it on securely. "there. now next time, tell me when that happens."

he stared at him before cupping his stone cold, white & rotting face and kissing his pale dead lips softly. "i dunno how much longer i can keep this up, gerard. but you know what..?"

he leaned up and whispered softly in gerard's rotting ear, "i love you." he curled up in gerard's lap and made the formerly mentioned wrap his arms around himself and close his eyes to sleep.

he was almost certain he heard a, "i love you too, frank."


ha ha oops
my finger may have slipped up a bit
a lot

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