[fr] if i see a boner, i'm cutting it off [erard]

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au where gerard is the cleanest, most well-known tattoo artist

yeah i know he's like scared of needles i know it doesn't make sense shut up

the "closed" sign was up, but frank entered the small tattoo parlor anyways. "one minute," he heard gerard's voice call from the back room. he stood at the front for probably thirty seconds before gerard walked up.

ah, gerard way. the most popular tattoo artist with the cleanest, purest skin. they've known each other for a while now, gerard has seen almost his entire body and frank is just comfortable with that.

the small man smiled at gerard, "i'm here for that tattoo i was talking about a couple days back?"

"ah, okay. didn't actually think you were going to get it." gerard lead him to the back room he was previously in. frank pulled off his shirt and shimmied out of his skinny jeans after kicking off his shoes and sat on the reclining leather seat that could also be used in like, a dentist's office or something.

gerard lit a cigarette, collecting the things necessary to make the tattoo and got started.

he shivered as gerard worked on his skin. "hey, gee?"


"why don't you have any tattoos?" frank took the cigarette from gerard's mouth a took a drag.

"scared of needles."

"that's kind of ironic." he exhaled the smoke and put it back in gerard's mouth.

gerard simply shrugged, "they also just look hotter on other people. i don't think i could pull off real tattoos."

frank just nodded and stared at the ceiling, the buzzing from the needle almost soothing him to sleep.

"this is kind of kinky, huh?"

gerard glanced up at frank. "whaddya mean?"

"you're pricking me with a needle and i like it."

gerard blushed darkly and put on his bossy tone. "frank iero, if i see a boner, i'm cutting it off."

"oh god, say my name like that again, babe, fuck." smiling and sticking his tongue out, frank pushed his hips upward. they made contact with gerard's chest, and he let out a breathy moan as he gained friction against his already half hard dick.

"you keep moving like that, you're gonna get a fucked up tattoo, now stop fucking moving."frank sighed but obliged.

he looked down and realized how close gerard was to his pelvis and shuddered.

he is now mostly hard, horny and impatient.


he bit his lip as he tried not to squirm and just stared at gerard's incredibly white hair. god, he wanted to just lace his fingers through it, it looks so soft.



"can i pet you?" he only shrugged in response which frank took as a yes and immediately raked his rough fingers through it. exactly as he thought. it was so fucking soft.

without thinking, frank pulled on his hair and he swore he heard gerard's breath hitch over the buzzing.

and the sexual tension thickens.

twenty minutes later and the tattoo is all finished and wrapped up.

frank just lays there, staring at gerard as he puts the stuff away. when the white-haired male turned around, he was only a bit shocked at frank's appearance.

his eyes are half-lidded, he's blushing and sweating, and his forefinger is in his open, hanging mouth. his eyes traveled lower and saw the outline of frank's hard dick in his tight black briefs.

it was like a magnet was attracting him to frank soon, he was crawling over him, pressing hot wet open-mouthed kisses on his torso as he moved further up the smaller man's body. he shoved his hand down the front of frank's underwear, pulling a loud moan from him.

he squeezed his length before stroking his hand up and down, occasionally pressing in certain sensitive spits or digging his thumb into the slit. frank was thrusting his hips up into gerard's hand and his thighs twitched, totally unaware that the latter was moving back down his writhing body. "oh god, gee,"

he laced his fingers back into the older man's hair and pulled hard. gerard groaned against his sweaty, flushed skin and sat up. "i'm gonna blow you." he almost couldn't talk, to be totally honest, when he saw frank's blown pupils and heard the shaky moan come out of his mouth as he put his hands at his sides in tight fists. he pulled down his underwear and eagerly went down on him, sucking and licking with such vigor.

frank's hips pushed up, making gerard almost gag. he recovered quickly and placed frank's hands back in his hair, telling him to do what he wanted.

after a good few minutes of frank fucking gerard's mouth, gerard pulled off, replacing his mouth with his hand. "how- how close?"

"so close- so fucking close," nodding, gerard went back down on him and after a few seconds, frank's hips stuttered and he let out a shaky whine, shooting his load into gerard's mouth.

gerard sat up again and leaned in to kiss frank messily on the mouth, letting him get a small taste of himself. he groaned quietly and they pulled away from each other.

frank at this point was totally spent and absolutely exhausted, but gerard wasn't having any of that.

"if you blow me right now, the tattoo is free." frank didn't even need to contemplate it as he started going down in gerard.


or is it too late to put a warning


i owe my frerard readers some sin after only updating with brallon lately.

anyways yeah this is bad and i don't feel good bye bye

*forgive mistakes please

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