[fr] drugstore perfume pt. 2 [erard]

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fast-forward another year and frank and gerard are both happily married. gerard is a slowly growing painter, soon to open his own art museum and frank worked as a waiter.

one day, frank bounded into the living room and threw himself into gerard's lap. "do you ever want kids?"

gerard closed his book and leaned back, wrapping his arms around frank's waist. "depends."

"hmm... what do you mean?"

"depends on if it crawls on two hands and two knees, walks on two feet or waddles on four feet."

"like a baby."

"that's a lot of responsibility."

"i know, but i've always wanted two little girls since i was a little kid."

"okay, how about this. let's wait. let's wait, say, a few months. if you still want a kid by then, we could maybe adopt or get a surrogate or something. deal?"

frank nodded excitedly, pressing a kiss to gerard's cheek. "deal."


a few months later and they have their own baby.

gerard woke up at around two in the morning and realized frank's side of the bed was totally empty. he got up, put on some pajama pants and walked to the nursery as he messed with his bright red hair and yawned. the sight he saw upon entering the room made his heart melt.

frank was sitting in the rocking chair, still in his waiting uniform, with both of his arms around bandit in a secure hold. his head was leaned back and tilted to the side a bit, his mouth hung open just a bit as soft snores came out. little bandit was asleep and holding on to his thumbs. gerard smiled and walked closer to the pair, carefully picking up bandit and gently and slowly putting her in her crib.

it was then that frank opened his eyes just barely and looked at gerard who was admiring their little girl. he smiled and closed his eyes again. gerard then turned over to frank and knelt in front of him, grabbing his hands and kissing his knuckles gently to wake him. he opened his eyes and smiled at the red-haired man again. "come to bed with me."

"carry me?" gerard nodded and stood as frank did. the shorter man jumped up into gerard's arms, wrapping his legs around his waist, arms draped around his neck. he clutched his shirt and leaned his head on the older man's shoulder as he walked them back to their bedroom. he gently put frank down on the bed, undressing him til he was down to his boxer briefs. he got under the sheets next to him and pulled him against his chest, burying his nose in his hair as he fell back asleep.


"girls, miles, gerard, dinner!"

"we're coming!" bandit called out. all of the kids put their toys away and went to wash their hands in the bathroom. gerard walked out of his office and into the kitchen, making his way over to frank and snaking his arms around his waist as he pressed a kiss just below his ear.

"i love youuu."

frank giggled and pushed back against gerard, "i love you too."


both men looked in the direction of the exclamation and saw bandit standing there, wrinkling up her nose. gerard grinned cheekily and pressed a loud, smacking kiss on frank's cheek. "eeeewwwwwwww!!"

frank reached behind his husband and smacked his butt hard. "stop grossing out our child."

"i'm her father, it's my job to gross her out."

frank rolled his eyes. "whatever, weirdo."

"you love me."

"yes i do."


"remember when we first met?"

"what's with the sudden memory?"

"i dunno..."

"remember when we used to have sex four times a week for two years?"

frank giggled and blushed, "yup."

"that was probably the best time of my life... and now all i do is read or draw and sleep."

"aww.. but hey, it's all fun because you're doing that all with me."

"i suppose so." gerard smiled and kissed frank's temple.


"ms. bandit way?"


"your father, gerard, died."

she was speechless.

"we also figured out this morning when we went to check on him, that frank got out of his hospital bed and laid down next to him... frank is also gone."

"i'm sorry, ma'am. if it means anything, they both fell asleep holding hands with smiles on their faces."

bandit smiled sadly and nodded, wiping away her tears.

"thank you, doctor."

she shook his hand and went out to her own car. she got in and just sat in the driver's seat.

for better or for worse.

for richer or for poorer.

in sickness and in health.

to love and cherish until death do they part.


haaaaaaa finally finished it
this took way too long

*forgive mistakes, i'm only hooman

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