[br] beebo da ambulance [allon]

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it was a normal afternoon in the urie-weekes household. brendon was draped on the couch either writing song lyrics for the upcoming album, texting billie or gerard, watching some dumb tv show or movie he didn't even know existed or liked, or sleeping with penny on his back, and dallon was working and typing away on his laptop next to beebo's head. dallon checked his watch and noticed that it was 5:00 pm. time to start dinner.

he shut his laptop making both brendon and penny look up at him like curious puppies, which, in all honesty, brendon may as well have been a puppy, let's face it. "what are ya dooooooin'~~~~?"

"gonna go start dinner. anything specific you want me to make?"

"no, not really... also, pete, billie and gerard are coming over to hang out later. 's that okay?"

"of course it's okay. you don't need to ask me if it's alright for your best friends to come over, baby." dallon smiled and kissed the top of brendon's head. "you can invite them whenever the hell you want, just as long as you tell me so we don't recreate the day after valentine's day."

what dallon was referencing, "the day after valentine's day," was a very unfortunate and awkward morning for dallon. brendon invited breezy, sarah, pete and josh over, but he forgot to mention it to dallon.
he had been wandering around in his boxers for most of the day and didn't even try with his bed hair, so when the door was swung open by breezy to reveal the squad, he was stood frozen in the hallway like a deer caught in headlights, eyes wide and pupils practically non-existent out of pure, unadulterated fear and embarrassment.

brendon snorted rather unattractively at the funny memory and nodded his head. "now go make dinner, i have to figure out what words to put here," dallon rolled his eyes fondly and stood up before smirking and bowing, opening his mouth to empty it of the sarcastic sentence he wanted to say oh, so badly, "anything else, master?"

brendon smirked, "hmm..... maybe if you sat on my face, that'd be perfect. it would totally help me focus on getting these fuckin' lyrics figured out."

dallon laughed, "you wish." he shook his head and walked off into the kitchen, but not before yelping slightly as brendon lightly smacked his butt when he turned to walk into the kitchen. "you'll definitely pay for that," brendon just giggled.

dallon decided to just make a salad with chicken strips and kool-aid; simple but quite filling. he pulled the chicken strips out of the freezer and vegetables out of the fridge, setting them on the kitchen island. he walked over to the block and pulled out a large, quite sharp chef's knife, and slid a cutting board out of its place from between two cabinets.

[my mom set up the kitchen so that the knife block was right below where the cutting boards are put and the cutting boards are placed between the spice cabinet and the mug shelf and honestly idk where a normal person keeps cutting boards so they keep the cutting board between two cabinets
sorry wait nobody asked about my life cARRY ON IM SORRY]

he placed the cutting board and knife on the island when he heard 'miss jackson' playing on the radio. knowing what brendon's reaction would be, he turned it up to a volume so it could've been heard from anywhere in the apartment. "oh mY GOD THAT'S MY SONG. DALLON? DALLON, THAT'S MY SONG, DID YOU KNOW THAT????" dallon just chuckled and mumbled the lyrics, "miss jackson, miss jackson, miss jackson-" but was interrupted by a resounding,


in his small distraction as he was cutting the vegetables, he cut his finger, "shit..!" he turned down the radio and dropped the knife on the counter and rushed to the sink to rinse of the blood that was steadily leaking out of the extremely large and deep cut on his finger, but stopped short as he heard a, "WHEEEE OOOOO, WHEEEE OOOOO, WHEEEE OOOOO,"

"um.. what..."

brendon ran into the kitchen holding a small tube of ointment and a ninja turtles band-aid in his hand. he made a beeline straight to dallon, wiped the blood off his finger, put on some ointment and wrapped the band-aid around his finger. the entire time, dallon was just smiling and staring at brendon with a confused expression.

brendon kissed his finger and kissed his cheek, saying, "kissing it better helps a lot." before running back out of the kitchen with another resounding, "WHEEEE OOOOO, WHEEEE OOOOO, WHEEEE OOOOO!"


dallon was simply stood in front of the sink for the next five minutes trying to figure what just happened.

"what just happened...?"



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