[fr] bitty boy [erard]

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everybody was sound asleep as gerard rummaged through his bag to find his book.

after he found it, he stood up and carefully stepped over the four other sleeping boys sprawled out on the toro's living room floor, to the large and ugly but comfortable armchair and sat down. he switched on the lamp sitting on the end table between one end of the couch and the chair.

he curled up his legs under himself and continued reading from his marked spot. it was only after about an hour of reading when he heard quiet whimpers coming from somewhere in the room. he replaced his bookmark and shut the book, silently putting it on the small table.

he held his breath and listened carefully for a few seconds before realizing it was frank. he turned the lamp off and tip-toed to where the boy was laying and shook him lightly to wake him, but to no avail. sighing, he got under the blanket next to frank and the other boy immediately wrapped himself around him and rested his head on his shoulder.

he hesitantly wrapped his arm around the small male and closed his eyes, eventually falling into a deep slumber.

he woke up several hours later to blinding sunlight leaking through the window he was inconveniently next to. he squinted his eyes as his vision was terribly blurry and almost screamed when he saw two shit-eating grins and a knowing smirk really close to his face.

pete did a silent dance as he whisper-yelled, "you slept with frank!" making the raven blush darkly.

ray was still red-faced from the sweltering temperature of the room and pete's hair was sticking in every which way, indicating he had woken up only shortly before gerard had.

gerard hissed, "shut your fucking mouth or he'll wake up!" he swears he hates pete.

pete continued whisper-screaming that gerard slept with frank and eventually mikey and ray had left to eat breakfast or something. after pete calmed down and hopped on the couch to watch television, frank groaned in a high pitch and shoved his face against gerard's chest to keep the light out of his eyes.  he clutched his shirt in his fists tightly and clenched his eyes shut, still whining because of the heat and brightness of the room & causing gerard's heart to actually hurt from how adorable it was.

gerard moved the blanket off of them and shuffled away from the window. gently, of course, as to not jostle frank anymore. after only a couple seconds, frank fell back into a deep sleep and his grip on gerard's shirt loosened. his cheek smushed up against gerard's broad chest as he snored lightly.

the older boy absent-mindedly stroked the other boy's cheek as he stared at the stupid tv show pete was watching, deep in thought.

yeah, frank was drooling on him and yeah, gerard was getting too warm in his flannel pajamas since frank practically on top of him and he was sitting in the sun and it was like, 90 degrees in the room, but honestly? he wouldn't trade that moment for the world.

idek what this is, kill me

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