[br] weird marks [allon]

311 13 4

dallon walked into the kitchen, smiling when he saw brendon at the sink. he walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his stomach, pressing his face against his neck. brendon pushed back against him, smiling as he felt tiny little kisses being pressed up and down his neck. he raised his arm up to push his fingers through dallon's messy hair, leaning his head back as he hummed.

"the kids will be back soon."


as if on cue, brendon's mother's minivan pulled into the driveway, making dallon groan. brendon smirked and turned around so he was facing the tall man's chest, pulling him down for a short kiss before reaching his hands down and patting his ass lightly. "now put on some pants."

dallon rolled his eyes and pecked brendon's lips before turning and leaving. brendon put on some flip flops and opened the front door to go out and help his mother with the kids.

he smiled widely as he saw amelie climbing out of the car. he held his arms wide open as she ran to him and hugged him tightly. "hi, darling! how was your stay with grandma?"

"it was fun!" she then cupped her hands around her mouth and loudly whispered in his ear, "we even got ice cream!"

brendon gasped then giggled with amelie as he picked her up. he looked up at grace, who was holding knox, who was asleep. brendon smiled and escorted her inside.

dallon had just gotten downstairs when they walked in, smiling brightly as he saw amelie. brendon put her down and she ran up to dallon, hugging his legs tightly. "thank you again for keeping them for the night."

"it's no problem. i love having them over." grace smiled lovingly at the small family. she gave knox over to brendon, who held him carefully. "i'm gonna go put him in his bed, i'll be right back." he walked to knox's bedroom, limping a little, to put him in his bedroom. grace looked at brendon, then over to dallon with a knowing look. the latter smiled sheepishly and blushed a bit. "well, i need to go. have things to do and places to be. it was a pleasure having the kids over and i want them to come back again soon."

"noted. thank you again, grace." dallon gave her a small hug as she kissed his cheek. brendon came back after a few seconds and gave his mother a tight hug, kissing her forehead noisily. "thank you, ma."

"bye-bye." after giving a hug to amelie,  she left.

"hmm... what should we do?"

"we couuuuld.... watch a movie!"

"that sounds like a lovely idea. what movie should we watch?"

"daddy should pick, because he never picks what we watch for move time." both amelie and brendon looked at dallon expectantly, who looked almost nervous. "how about.. uh... finding nemo?"

"great idea!" amelie wandered over to the movie cabinet, taking out the box that held the dvd in it. when she put it in the player, she turned on the tv and grabbed the remote, situating herself in the middle of the couch with her fuzzy winnie the pooh blanket. brendon settled down at her left, dallon at her right.

dallon put his arm around amelie's shoulders while brendon rested his arm on the back of the couch, messing with dallon's hair a bit.

eventually, amelie ended up in dallon's lap and brendon was leaning his head on his shoulder. knox had joined them about twenty minutes in and put himself on brendon's lap. soon, amelie had lost interest in the movie, but started becoming curious about the purple marks on dallon's neck.

she touched one with her forefinger. "daddy, what's that?"

"what's what?"

"those purple marks."

dallon froze as did brendon. knox sat up and turned to look at dallon's neck. he looked at brendon and saw the same type of purple marks on his neck. he tapped on amelie's shoulder to get her attention and pointed to brendon. she looked at his neck and gasped. "beebo has the same marks! what happened?"

"um... well..."

"daddies were working out while you guys were at gramma's and we accidentally hurt ourselves."

"oh. well, try not to hurt yourselves anymore. that looks like that hurts!"

"okay, darling bee."

dallon looked at the time. "you guys need to go to bed." both children started pouting even though knox was already half asleep and amelie's eyes were droopy.

"come on." amelie sighed and got off of dallon as brendon stood up, still holding knox. they put them in their respective rooms, kissed them both goodnight and went to their own room. brendon got under the covers while dallon took off his pants.

"maybe we shouldn't get so excited next time."

"we can get excited all we want, but we should probably make it less obvious next time."

"yeah, maybe." dallon stretched and fell on the bed, hugging brendon's waist and pressing his face into his stomach, humming contentedly.

"good night, my darling."

brendon rolled his eyes fondly as one of his hands found placement in dallon's hair. "good night."


this took way too long

*forgive any mistakes, i'm only human

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