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dallon brought in the last box and set it down on the floor next to the kitchen doorway.

all day, he'd been helping brendon move in. after a year or so of being together, he thought it was finally time. plus, he was over practically everyday and stayed the night a lot.

he let out a sigh and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand just as brendon appeared at the end of the hall. "i just brought in the last box and it's really heavy and it's extremely hot outside. why do you have so much stuff?"

brendon shrugged, "uh, well. people get me things. some of this stuff i do need, like, oh i don't know, my clothing? i was just gonna have a sale though, because moving like that made me realize just how much stuff i have that i don't want anymore."

dallon nodded, "good, i don't want a bunch of unnecessary stuff lying around the bedroom or in here." brendon squinted at him. "if you- if you want to sort through it now, what you want and what you don't want, we could do that and then put the stuff in the basement. i have totes full of stuff i don't want, i just never got around to doing anything with it."

"yeah, probably a good idea to do that now instead of later." brendon sat down on the couch and pulled a box close to him.

"sweet, but i gotta take a shower real quick, okay?" brendon nodded and dallon pressed a kiss to his head and left to shower. brendon hummed to himself as he sorted through the box.

dallon joined brendon soon after he had finished with the first box and had started a movie on a low volume as they went through everything together.

eventually, dallon had come across a nightlight and looked at brendon with questioning eyes. brendon looked at the nightlight then back at him, but his lip and reluctantly nodded. "i wanna keep it."

dallon shrugged and set the fragile light on the table so it wouldn't get crushed and brendon breathed a small sigh of relief that dallon asked no questions about it.

see, brendon could never sleep without being able to see his surroundings. he wasn't scared of the dark, he wanted to feel a sense of security before falling asleep.

and maybe he was a little scared of the dark too.

after everything was sorted through and done, dallon took the full boxes to the basement and brendon got his own stuff situated. he put his clothes away next to dallon's clothes, he put his favorite stuffed frog named beebo on the nightstand and plugged in his alarm clock, setting it to the right time.

he picked up the nightlight and bit his lip.

would he plug in the nightlight and make dallon fall asleep with a dim orange lit filling the room? yes, he would.

he plugged it into the outlet behind the nightstand but didn't switch it on. he looked around the room and smiled before faceplanting the bed. his smiled widened as he felt a heavy-ish weight lower onto his black. "whatcha doin'?"

brendon lifted his head and tried looking at dallon. "nothin' much." brendon wiggled and turned so he was on his back and he put his arms around dallon's neck. "wanna make out?"

"i have nothing better to do, so sure."

after what was supposed to just be making out, they laid next to each other sweating and breathing heavily. brendon's limbs felt too heavy to move, so he just hummed when dallon said, "we should probably get cleaned up and ready for bed." he watched as the tall man pulled on some boxers and walked into the connected bathroom to at least wash his face and hands.

after he came back out, he had a warm, wet wash cloth in his hand and he slid onto the bed. he wiped down brendon's legs and stomach and got up to get him so underwear as well. he pulled the briefs up his legs and tossed the washcloth and got back into bed with brendon, who wrapped himself around him.

dallon quickly fell asleep, but brendon laid awake, unable to fall asleep himself. he sighed and gently moved dallon's arms from around him, already missing the warmth. he then leaned down and turned on the nightlight and he smiled, satisfied with the color and dimness. it was just light enough to see around his side of the room and it just perfect. he cuddled back up to dallon and smiled as he finally fell asleep.

the next morning however, brendon woke up alone. he squinted at the sun bleeding through the blinds and turned back over. dallon came back in, wrapped in a towel, hair dripping wet and brendon thought to himself, fuck me right now.

the tall man climbed onto the bed and gave him a kiss. brendon moved one finger down his jawline, "best way to wake up, hands down." dallon just laughed and gave him another kiss.

"i have a question for you, actually."

brendon bit his lip and stared the other man straight in the eyes, "what.. what is it?"

dallon smiled and tried crossing his legs but couldn't due to the restricting towel. "calm down, it's nothing bad. i just wanted to ask you why you need a nightlight."

brendon looked at the ceiling, "only if you promise not to laugh."

"i swear i will not laugh. if i do, you have permission to kick me out of the bed."

brendon exhaled a deep breath and sat up. "it gives me a sense of security at night. like, i need to be able to see my surroundings in order to sleep comfortably. otherwise, i don't sleep at all or i wake up a lot."

dallon shrugged and raked his fingers through his wet hair, "that's nothing to be super embarrassed about. you know, i can try to give you that sense of security since we're gonna be here together now. but if you still want to use the nightlight, that's fine. i can sleep to pretty much anything."

brendon smiled and nodded, "thank you for being understanding about it. past lovers always complained about the nightlight while they're trying to sleep."

"well, i'm a current lover, and i actually love you, so unless you say otherwise it's staying."

brendon's heart swelled and his cheeks tinted pink at what dallon said. "thank you. i love you."

they hugged and hung out in bed for most of the day until dallon got too cold from just being in a towel.

over 1,000 words, i think i'm getting better at this?

sorry for any mistakes

!DISCONTINUED! // he had the world // brallon oneshots Where stories live. Discover now