[br] nipple piercings, how awkwardly hot? [allon]

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"hey, dallon?" brendon twisted his fingers together and crossed his legs and bit his lip and looked at dallon with large eyes. the older looked up from his book and smiled upon seeing the other's face. "what's up?"

"i have a surprise for you. i don't know how you'll take it, but hopefully i made a good choice here."

dallon closed his book and set it on the table, fully turning to him, "what is it?"

"no need to look so scared! i just-"


brendon sighed and shook his head. "fuck it." he lifted his shirt over his head, successfully taking it off to reveal his bare chest, more importantly, his nipples. "i got my nipples pierced."

dallon's jaw dropped as he stared at both of the buds and the little bars going through them. "pete said it makes them more sensitive, which would make my sex life even better considering how much you love playing with them... and they are definitely sensitive.. i hate wearing shirts now." dallon bit the inside of his cheek and patted the empty spot on the couch directly next to himself. the younger meekly walked over and sat down slowly.

dallon slowly raised a hand and ever so gently brushed his thumb over one of the delicate buds, making the other man hiss quietly. he swiped his tongue over his abnormally dry bottom lip and carefully grasped it between his forefinger and thumb and squeezed, making brendon whimper oh, so lightly. "dallon, please say something, this is becoming awkward."

dallon pulled the far edge of his bottom lip between his teeth and just muttered, "dear god..." before latching his lip to the other nipple he wasn't touching, making the other male gasp and let out a light breathy laugh, tossing his head back and gripping the other's shoulders.

if you couldn't tell by now, dallon had a couple weird interests.

he sat there, licking, kissing and sucking, switching between the two buds occasionally until the other man tensed up and slowly became figurative liquid against the couch as he reached and ventured through his climax. dallon pulled away and wiped his mouth, rubbing brendon's sides softly. "was that too weird for you? i'm sorry, i-"

"dallon, if it was too weird for me, i would've pushed you away a while ago. you literally made me jizz in my pants like a hormonal teen." dallon collapsed against brendon and sighed.



"did you want me to help with that boner, or...?"

hell sorry if this is too weird for you i literally got the idea from watching the office idkwhy


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