surrogate .2

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sarah stood in the middle of the living and put her hands on her hips. "alright gentlemen, you've had over two weeks to decided this," everybody in the room looked at her curiously, "whose nut am i going to hold?"

pete spat out his drink and jon snorted quite attractively. ryan choked on his licorice and spencer just laughed right out loud. other ryan hid his grin behind his closed fist.

"um... we've decided to use dallon's."

ryan crossed his arms and pouted at the floor. "aw, but he already has a baby that looks like him.."

pete whined, "brendonnn, make this baby a model with your stunning good looks! use your nut!"

"okay, how about this? if sarah doesn't become pregnant with dallon's, we can use mine. happy?" a small round of cheers sounded through the room, making the couple roll their eyes.

sarah walked into the room with her hands behind her back and had a goofy grin on her face. "guyyyyys, guess what?"

brendon gasped happily and bit his forefinger. dallon raised his head and his eyes widened. his mouth was dry as he choked out a, "are you...?"

she held up a positive test. "i'm pregnant! i'm really pregnant!" brendon stood up and hugged her tightly. "you guys will have a fresh, new baby in a good nine months. no need to thank me."

they both laughed as they hug-waddled around the room.

"dallon, come here." the formerly mentioned, who was walking past her door, walked into sarah's bedroom quietly. "what's up?"

"i have a bit of a bump now. this is actually happening!"

dallon shrugged meekly. "i guess it is. thank you, so much, sarah, for doing this. you seriously have no idea how much this means to the both of us as a couple and individually." sarah blew a raspberry and tossed her hands to her sides. "don't mention it."

"god, fuck," brendon moved his hips back every time dallon moved forward, ending with a perfect press against his prostate, causing blinding pleasure. dallon simply grunted and wrapped his arms around brendon's waist & torso, kissing the crook between his neck and shoulder, revelling in the sting of salt against his ravished lips. the younger tossed his head back against the other's shoulder and let out a high-pitched whine as he gripped the sheets tightly.

his breath hitched and his thighs trembled, signalling that he was almost at his climax, but just before he or dallon could release, they heard sarah from the other side of their bedroom door. "d- dallon?" she knocked lightly and asked quietly, "are you awake?" making both men groan in annoyance.

dallon pulled out and brendon rolled onto his back, carefully pulling the sheets over his lower half and tensing at the brush of fabric against his sensitive cock. the older pulled on a pair of boxers and a shirt and turned to brendon. "i'm sorry, bee. i'll be right back." he pressed a kiss to his husband's head and answered the door.

"sarah, i was kinda b-" he stopped himself before he could finish his sentence, as the sight before him was a little worrying. in the dim light of hallway, he could barely see that sarah had two eyes full of tears. her lip was quivering slightly and her hands were balled up against her chest. he'd never seen her in this state before. he touched her shoulder gently and tilted his head. "aw, hey.. hey, what's wrong, sweetie?"

he pulled her into a hug and she collapsed against him, breaking out into silent sobs, "i- i'm really scared..."

he rubbed her back in a comforting manner and made soothing sounds before answering, "why are you scared? is it the pregnancy?" he could feel her nodding against him and she hiccuped, "i'm also scared that i'll get t- too attached an- and that i won't want to let the baby go... and- and also, what if turns into a- a miscarriage? what if- what if i die while giving birth?"

dallon shook his head and they rocked side-to-side as he tried to keep his now awkward boner from touching her mid-section. "the chance of a miscarriage is low, and the chance of you dying is even lower. honey, it'll be fine." he questioned his own words even as he spoke them.

he knew pregnant ladies always got crazy emotional and that was definitely part of it, but he could see there was also genuine fear of something bad happening. and so because she mentioned it, he got a little scared too.

"it- you'll be fine, i promise you, everything will be okay."

she sniffled. "okay," she then nodded and wiped her nose, "okay, i'm good now. i should get back to bed..."

dallon nodded. "alright, now you go to sleep and dream about happy things and don't worry yourself about this baby. goodnight." he patted her back and turned to go back into his and brendon's room.

after he shut the door, he stood still, thinking to himself for just a moment until brendon spoke up. "what did she want?"

"she's scared of losing the baby. and her life."


"brendon, i'm starting to get scared too."

brendon put his hands on both sides of dallon's neck and kissed him. "honey, she'll be fine and so will the baby." dallon grabbed the other's wrists gingerly and cleared his throat, nodding.


dallon looked up at him.

"still got that hard-on?"

part three hopefully coming soon, idkwhen

forgive mistakes i'm watching a movie that is making me so mad and i'm sick to my stomach

!DISCONTINUED! // he had the world // brallon oneshots Where stories live. Discover now