[br] would you still love me if i was 70,000 pounds? [allon]

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my finger slipped


brendon was scanning through the extremely skinny jeans that only skinny men with amazing asses could wear. dallon appeared behind him and wrapped his arms around his chest. "find something you want?"

"i think, but uh.... i'm pretty sure these are for guys with an ass bigger than mine."

"does it matter?"

"yes, considering if i get pants just even a little bit bigger than needed, they'll slip down my poor defenseless legs to show off my package for the entire world to see."



"well then, go find some pants that'll fit you."

"uh, that's what i was gonna do."

dallon rolled his eyes and pinched brendon's butt. "don't you sass me."

"i will sass if i choose."

"whatever, queen."

after a few minutes of looking around, they both found what they needed and started going on their way to pay for the items when brendon started thinking. which could be either good or bad.

this time, it was weird.

"hey, dal?"


"would you still love me if i was 70,000 pounds?"

"what?" dallon's heart basically stopped. all his mind was screaming.  JESUS CHRIST. THAT'S HUGE! I MEAN.... I'D VISIT? WHAT DOES HE EXPECT ME TO SAY?!

"would you still love me if-"

"yes, i heard what you said, but... jesus christ, that is giant." brendon giggled, "why is it taking this long to think about it?"

"i don't-"


dallon's eyes were wide and he started sweating nervously, "i don't- i don't... really know."

brendon rolled his eyes and giggled and kissed dallon's cheek, "calm down, i was joking."

he breathed a sigh of relief and kissed brendon's cheek back. "don't ever put me on the spot again, that scared the actual canoodle out of me, god."


"uh, yeah."

"you sound like your grandma weekes."

"shut up."

"i never said that as a bad thing, you dork."

"whatever." dallon rolled his eyes and slung an arm around brendon's shoulders. "let's go home, i wanna see you showcase your ass-tight jeans."

"patience brings better rewards."

"now who sounds like my grandma weekes?"

"shut up."

dallon smiled cheekily and spoke in a heavy mimicking tone, "never said it was a bad thing."

brendon rolled his eyes and said back in a similar mimicking tone, "whatever."


have i ever told you guys how beautiful you are? truly, you are all beautiful people. <3

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