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let's pretend that little bandito was nine in 2010.
drugstore perfume pt. 2 is in the making, i promise. it's just taking a bit longer than i thought it would.


it was a normal saturday, bandit was cleaning her room on her father's request. she was going through her closet when she found a medium-sized purple book with yellow, blue, green and pink butterfly stickers and sequins and a label that read "bandit's diary" in messy writing on the front. there was a little lock on it and a key was attached to it by a ring.

she smiled and unlocked it, settling herself on her beanbag to begin reading.


dear diary.. this is my first message to you, ever.

yesterday mommy and daddy had a big fight. they thought i couldn't hear them and that i was asleep. but i wasn't. i heard everything...

daddy likes men.

and i am an accident.

and mommy never wanted me. she only let me live for daddy because she loved him. if she were by herself, she wouldn't have ever gone through with the birthing process...

i cried myself to sleep.



dear diary, today mommy and daddy are splitting up. i don't mind though. i always thought mommy didn't like me.

i'm sleeping in daddy's bed tonight.



dear diary, today is my first day of school. i'm really excited, i heard that my two best friends cherry and lily will be in the same class with me and that makes me really happy. i love cherry and lily and their little brother miles. i love their mommy, too. i love her a lot.

she died a few months ago. but i still love her and i ask daddy to drive me to her grave every sunday and wednesday after church.



dear diary, sorry for not writing in you for a long time.

daddy seems happier now without mommy than he did with mommy. maybe it's because he doesn't like women anymore and being with mommy made him sad and uncomfortable. whatever it was, i'm happy to see that he's smiling and laughing with me more.



dear diary, when daddy came by to pick me and cherry and lily up from school today, he had bright red hair! it was really cool! mommy always ignored daddy when he asked her if he should color his hair. he never did, to please mommy. but now that mommy isn't here, he can do whatever he wants with his hair. i hope daddy will let me color my hair sometime.

he looks very handsome. i hope he finds somebody soon.



dear diary, today i saw cherry and lily's daddy, frank, today. i haven't seen much of him since jamia died, and he looks awful! there's dark marks around his eyes, he's really pale and his once very bright grin has been replaced with a tiny little smirk.

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