[fr] thunderstorms can go suck a dick [erard]

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Gerard was laying in bed, peacefully sleeping, perfectly fine. That was, until there was a short, bright flash of light followed by an extremely loud clap in the sky, making the house shake. Then the raindrops pelted at the window repeatedly, the little 'tap tap tap' of the small droplets of water triggering his anxiety. By now, he was sitting up in bed, sheets pulled up to his nose and breathing heavily through his mouth. Tears pricked at his eyes as his heart pounded in his ears and he trembled violently.

He couldn't do anything, he just sat there as he listened to the painfully loud roars of thunder, saw the violent, bright, white light flashing through his bedroom windows and saw the silhouettes of raindrops tapping and running down the glass panes harshly. He sat there until he found the power to call Frank.

He probably shouldn't have, seeing as they had an argument the evening prior, and they probably needed some moments apart to cool down, but Frank was the only one who could help and comfort during these moments. At this point, it was instinct to call Frank during a terrifying thunderstorm.




"Hello...?" Frank answered, feeling worried, sad and ultimately, felt no anger towards Gerard anymore. He just wanted to hold him. "Frank..?"

"Yes, baby?"

"I'm scared."

"I know, I know.. do you want me to come over?"

"You could get hurt..."

"I don't live that far away from you, love."

"Could we just talk..?" Gerard snuggled up under the covers a she held the phone to his ear. "If you want to do that, yeah..."

"Okay.. um... I just wanted to say sorry for getting angry at you earlier..."

"It's fine, I'm not mad anymore."

"I'm not either."

"Good. I love you, you know that, right?"

Gerard smiled fondly. "Yeah. And I love you too. A lot." Gerard heard some shuffling and doors opening and closing. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing important. You?"

"Just laying in bed, being scared."

"You seem to be handling your fear very well, sweetie."

"I may seem really calm right now, but I'm so fucking scared." He let out a tiny whimper as another clap of thunder sounded outside.

By now, Frank was in his car, on his way to Gerard's house. But he wasn't gonna tell him he was heading over there. If he did, Gerard would kill him for even doing so for his sake.

Frank smiled sort of sadly. "Okay.. well, if I told you I'm proud of you for handling yourself, and that I love you, would that ease some of the fear?"


"Well, I'm so proud of you for handling yourself so well, and I love you so fucking much." By now, Frank had his car parked in front of Gerard's house and he was making his way inside quietly. He crept up the stairs as quietly as possible, but just as he took another step, the stair underneath him creaked loudly. "Shit."

Gerard had jumped, as he heard the creak. He slipped out of bed and grabbed a hockey stick he didn't remember owning. "Frank..? There's somebody in my house..."

No answer came from the other end.


Yet again, no answer. Gerard sighed and hung up. He put his phone on the nightstand and creeped out of his bedroom to the top of the staircase. "Hello..?"

No answer.

"Excuse me? Could you please leave?" He stood there, still trembling in the slightest before he was tackled to the ground, getting hugged tightly, small kisses being pressed all over his face. The fuck? He started panicking before he recognized the sweet, musky scent and the soft hands that held him. "Frank-?"

Frank pulled back for a moment. "Yes?" Gerard stared at him before slapping him silly with a small frown. "Ow..!"

"You idiot! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." Gerard pulled down for a hug and kiss. "Let's go to bed..."

They got comfortable under the blankets, Gerard having his head resting on Frank's chest, both of them wrapping their arms around each other. "I love you.

"I love you too. And, goodnight."



well, the storm is over now, and i can't say i miss it. anyways, yeah, this wasn't too great.

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