you found me! [p2]

148 14 5

october 31st, 1995

brendon squealed happily as he saw his best friend standing in front of the house, dressed as a vampire once again. he pressed his face against the window as his mother mixed up a few different types of candy in a large bowl.

brendon grabbed his mask and bucket and ran out into the front yard, running straight into his best friend and knocking him over.

the boy scowled at brendon, but smiled slightly when he saw his mask was upside down and he was running in circles, practically already on a sugar high. the blue-eyed boy fixed his cape and stood up straight.

brendon already started going down the street, but brendon's mother ran out of the house with a camera, yelling at brendon to come back, since she needed to get pictures.

the little boy obeyed and scrambled back to his mother with a blushy smile. before grace took the photo, brendon gasped and grabbed his best friend's hand, pulling him into view of the lens. the picture was taken and brendon's mother was frowning slightly as she looked at the finished photograph.

brendon giggled as he ran down the sidewalk, pulling the other boy along with him.

brendon knocked on the first door and smiled brightly as he yelled, "trick or treat!"

the elderly lady smiled sweetly and dropped two candies into brendon's bucket, but ignored his best friend's. brendon frowned and knocked on the door again. the lady answered it and brendon kindly asked her to give dallon something. she looked at dallon and shook her head, going back inside the house. brendon sighed, but ignored the rude lady, and pulled dallon away to another house.

they went from door to door for two hours, collecting sweets and the occasional small toy. they finally got back to brendon's house, giggling and talking, pinkies linked together.

brendon beamed as he saw his parents and another strange man in a long, white coat standing in front of his home, all talking together. he saw the strange man was holding something, and just to be annoying, he snatched it away, running around the yard and screaming with laughter as his mother chased him down.

as he was running, he realized he was holding a clipboard with a couple sheets of paper on it. he noticed some fairly large messy letters and couldn't help but read them.


he stopped short and felt a lump rise to his throat. his mother finally caught up to him and grabbed the clipboard from him. he looked at his mother with large, sparkling eyes and swallowed thickly.

"i- imaginary friend?"

his mother frowned sadly and showed brendon the picture she took of him and his best friend.

dallon wasn't there.

the lump resting in his throat grew larger and he felt angry tears well up in his eyes. he turned around and saw his best friend standing there, hands politely folded in front of him. he turned to his parents and gestured to dallon, sobbing and yelling at them.

"he's right there! why are you ignoring him?! he's standing right here!"

his mother started explaining, but he just whined and grabbed the brown-haired boy's hand, running away from the neighborhood and up a hill, quite a distance away from his home. he collapsed onto the overgrown grass and he cried, the large tears collecting into large drops and falling from his curly eyelashes. he pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged the tightly, similar to the way he did last halloween on his front steps.

his best friend said nothing and just stared at him with sad, shimmering eyes. brendon sobbed softly and rambled on about how mean his parents are and how much he hated them.

after a while, brendon calmed down and was only sniffling. the blue-eyed boy opened his closed fist to reveal two pieces of candy. he gave one to brendon, who opened it and read the message.

forget dentists, i'm delicious!

the boy once again mirrored the action and looked at the message without expression.

you found me!

the other boy wrapped an arm around brendon's shoulders and kissed his temple soothingly.

"come with me."

he stood up and walked away to a metal fence that blocked off a large forest and crouched down to crawl through a small hole that was cut out. brendon curiously followed him, holding onto the end of his cape so he wouldn't lose him.

they maneuvered through the trees carefully and finally reached a small clearing. in the center was a large tree with a thick trunk and they sat down under the leaves.

brendon leaned against dallon's shoulder and fell asleep.

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