he proposed during sex kinda

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"holy shit," brendon arched his back as dallon pressed perfectly up into him, right against his already very stimulated prostate. dallon's jaw had fallen slack as he looked up at the younger man bouncing in his lap. brendon reached out and grabbed on to the other man's shoulders tightly as he let out breathy, high-pitched moans.

he's so perfect like this, dallon thought to himself.

dallon attached his lips to brendon's neck and sucked a dark mark into the salty-sweet skin. he pulles back and blew hot air on it, sending a chill down the man's spine. "mine."

"yours," they shared an almost bruising kiss as they moaned into each other's mouths. when brendon pulled away, dallon groaned and, without thinking, said, "oh god, marry me," making brendon shook as fook.

without giving much thought to it, the younger man just nodded and tossed his head back, moaning out an "okay."


brendon stared at dallon's sleeping form as he thought about the words he uttered just two hours ago.

had he really meant it? would he even remember asking? it was probably one of those times when he thought he was thinking it an accidentally said it out loud. dallon tends to do that a lot.

shaking his head, brendon sighed and pulled the blanket up over his shoulder. he would ask later when dallon was actually awake.


"so... did you mean it?"

dallon glanced up at him from his counter screen quizicallly. "did i mean what?"

"you, um... kind of asked me to marry you... last night..."

"oh! um... well. i didn't mean it initially, but now that i think about it, i definitely want to spend the rest of my life with you." dallon himself was shocked at how smoothly everything came out of his pie hole.

brendon just stared at him in shock and excitement. "really..?"

"heck yes." brendon squealed and threw his arms around the older man's neck, engulfing him in a tight hug. after they shared a small kiss, dallon had to go back to work, so brendon decided to call up sarah and tell her about the latest news.


"he what?!"

"i know, right?!"

"how did he do it? i bet it was really romantic, huh?"

"um..." he trailed off and stayed silent.

"brendon? are you dead?"


"so how did he propose to you? come on, i wanna know!"

"well... if you really wanna know... he did it during sex." he heard a large gasp from the other end of the line and bit his lip to contain a grin. "he what?!"

"i know!"

"i am coming over right now, we're gonna go out to celebrate, get dressed and ready to go in thirty minutes." sarah then hung up  leaving brendon a confused mess on the couch.


"you did what?!"

"i proposed to him."

"well, how did you do it? was it romantic and everything like it's supposed to be?"

"well..." just like brendon did, dallon trailed off. "hello? dallon?"

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