you'll probably hate brendon in this

232 8 12

tw // mention of self-harm
lol the ending is rly bad


last thing i remember was taking some - too many - sleeping pills before i blacked out.

now, i'm in a hospital bed, just laying here, breathing quietly, unwilling to open my eyes.

when i finally did open my eyes, it was too fucking bright to see anything properly, and there was a moment when i didn't think i was even in the hospital. when i was finally able to focus and look around, the first thing i saw was possibly the most handsome man i'd ever seen in my life.

dressed in light yellow scrubs with the cutest white long-sleeve shirt spotted with little yellow ducks, he was perfectly slender, his features were beautifully cut, his eyes could make the most confident weak at the knees, and his light brown hair looked unbelievably soft. his skin was so pale and porcelain, like what you'd expect an angel's to look like.

i blinked twice to make sure he was real, not just a figment of my imagination, before i sat up. but as i flexed my wrists, a stinging sensation shot through my arms. i let out a small hiss of discomfort and bit my lip tightly.


the man, who at this point i realize is a doctor, or at least a nurse, looks up at me from his clipboard.

"hey, careful, you'll tear your stitches..." he pressed a button which raised the bed, so i could be comfortably sitting up, and he grabbed an extra pillow. he came closer and gently lifted my hands before setting the pillow in my lap and laying my hands on top of it.

he started talking, but i could barely pay attention when the electrifying shivers and tingling sensations that ran through my hands wouldn't go away. god, he's so hot.

"..and that brings us to now."


"you didn't hear a word i said, did you?"

brendon felt a small shiver slide down his back when he actually listened to what the man said, automatically in love with his soft voice, and let a small guilty smile show, "i'm sorry, you're just so handsome.. it's hard to pay attention when your face is right there."

the other man bit the inside of his cheek and looked about the room before grabbing a spare blanket from one of the closets and pulling it over his head.

"we got a call from your friend, uhh.. spencer smith? he apparently had come home to see you passed out on the kitchen floor. a bottle of prescription sleeping pills were uncapped and left on the counter and you had a very small but incredibly sharp blade in your hand."

brendon's heart rate picked up speed.

"it seemed like you cut too deeply into your veins and you barely had a pulse when he found you. he called an ambulance and that brings us to now, ten hours later."

brendon stayed quiet.

"d- did you know you snore loudly when you sleep?"

brendon snorted, but became intrigued at the slight shakiness in the other man's voice.

"what's your name?"

"um. weekes, dallon."

"your name is just as handsome as you are.. i'm-"

"brendon urie, i know, i read the- the report."

"ah. okay."

an awkward silence fell upon them for just a moment before brendon spoke, "take that blanket off your face."

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