liar, cheater [p2]

176 11 12

follow-up to the last one
reminder: i frickin love brendon ok and im pretty sure y'all do too and im sorry it has to be this way
also i don't remember if knox is 8 or 9 sorry
also they're wearing the outfits in those pics
i don't describe it but i like imagining it bc that outfit is like so cute on dallon and brendon's is one of my favorites


brendon stayed in the hospital for a few days after his unfortunate visit. he had gotten daily visits from dallon, but ryan could only be there twice due to work. he sent him daily texts though, reminding him of how beautiful he is, how much he loved him, how he couldn't wait for him to be back home.

brendon didn't care much, just as long as he got to have semi-flirtatious conversation with the cute nurse in the yellow scrubs and long-sleeved duck-spotted shirt.

on the day he was released, brendon shot dallon a text, asking for his address so he could pick him up. after getting it, he spent the whole afternoon getting ready. ryan wasn't home, so he didn't have to worry about getting caught.

after running a comb through his perfect hair, he grabbed his jacket, phone and wallet before snapping the bedroom light off and closing the door behind him as he exited. he snatched his keys up off the coffee table and whistled quietly as he excitedly walked through the front door, shutting that one behind himself as well. after locking it, he climbed into his car and inputted dallon's address into the gps on his phone.

after setting it up on the dash, turning on some shitty pop and buckling himself in, he started the car and went on his way to dallon's. which, in reality, he wasn't very far, it was just that brendon didn't drive around a lot, and he was still fairly new to la, so he wasn't totally familiar with the neighborhoods and street names.

when he finally arrived at dallon's, he parked at the curb in front and checked himself in the rearview briefly before getting out. he shoved his keys into his pocket and walked closer to the house. it wasn't very big, only one floor from the looks of it.

the front lawn was perfectly cut and brilliantly green, with a small bed of yellow flowers in one corner of the yard, with a medium-sized boulder which had words engraved on it resting in the middle. in old-fashioned calligraphic letters it read,

rest in peace,
knox oliver weekes.
heaven gains your laugh.


on the rock, he saw an illustration which resembled a little duck and he felt something tug at his heartstrings, but shook it off as he hopped up the steps to the front door.

he firmly knocked three times and waited patiently for dallon to answer. when the door opened, he almost did a double take at the sight of a little girl with large hazel eyes and hair the exact shade as dallon's staring right back at brendon.

"who are you?"

"uh.. i'm brendon... and you?"

"daddy says m'not supposed to talk to strangers."

"right.. okay. uh.."

he heard dallon call from further inside the house and let out a small sigh of relief, "amelie, who is it?"

"a stranger!"

"what- who-"

brendon smiled nervously at the girl, amelie, "just me!"

"oh, dear god- amelie let him in, daddy's finishing getting ready."

she stood aside, letting brendon in, and shut the door behind him. amelie looked up at brendon with distaste and squinted her eyes at him.

!DISCONTINUED! // he had the world // brallon oneshots Where stories live. Discover now