in which amelie does not like brendon

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"amelie, knox... brendon and i are.. well, we're dating, now."

amelie didn't take it well when dallon announced it. neither did knox, for that matter, but amelie took it harder.

her face turned red from anger and she stomped up to her bedroom, slamming the door shut. knox turned to look at the two men and he wrinkled his nose at brendon whose eyes were watering. "you're ew."

dallon pulled brendon into a hug and gave his son a stern look. "knox oliver, that is not nice."

"sorry, daddy."

"i don't get it! why couldn't mom just be alive?!" knox shrugged as amelie groaned into her pillow.

knox didn't want his her to know this, but he had been warming up to brendon lately. he quite liked him now.

they heard the front door open and they hopped up. "kids, we're home!"


they both left amelie's room and went down the hall to see brendon and dallon sitting in the living room holding hands. she scoffed, making both men look up at her. brendon's eyes held this shimmer, as if to say, "please give me a chance."

she rolled her eyes and turned to go to her room, "come on knox, let's go."

he looked up at his big sister and bit his bottom lip. he looked back over at brendon. then he looked back at amelie. he shrugged sheepishly and mouthed a "sorry" to the two men and followed his sister into her room in which she then proceeded to rant to knox about "how awful brendon is".

something similar happened two nights later, dallon came home with brendon and amelie attempted to pull knox back to her room. and that's when knox snapped.

"no, amelie! i don't want to come with you so you can say bad stuff about brendon behind his back to me! you have to face that mom is dead and brendon is going to be our new mom! i'm sorry, but i'm not listening to you now! i'm going to sit with brendon and dad and we're going to watch action movies and we're going to have a good time without you!"

he defiantly sat down in the empty space between the two men and grabbed their hands, making amelie's face turn red and flounce back to her room.

he looked up at his dad and his dad's boyfriend with an innocent expression as if he didn't just chew out his sister. "which movie are we watching first?"

the following morning when knox was eating breakfast, dallon gave his son a big, tight hug. "thank you so much, knox."

"no problem. i like him a lot." dallon smiled and ruffled his hair affectionately. that was when the third member of the family made her appearance and she looked less than excited to be up. at least when she was asleep she didn't have to see her family and stupid brendon being together. dallon was sitting next to knox at the counter, watching her make her own breakfast.

"good morning, sleeping beauty." she mumbled a reply and sat across from the other two. "amelie."


"look at me, please." she really didn't want to look at him, but did it anyways, not wanting to displease her father anymore. "can you please give me an explanation as to why you don't like bee? knox likes him, why don't you?" yuck, he even has a nickname for him.

she sighed and dropped her spoon into her bowl. "i just don't. it feels like my world has come tumbling down since you brought him here. we were fine without him, why can't you just break up with him so it's just the three of us again?"

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