liar, cheater [p3]

166 9 4

i had a whole ass idea prepared but i didn't know how to write it
im sorry this turned into ryden angst
read it anyway pls thnk u


it was about three and a half months since dallon and brendon first went out, and it had been the best three months of dallon's life. recently, anyways.

he found that he fell hard for the younger man with the obnoxious hair and leather jackets and amazing singing voice, but he wouldn't have it any different. he knew brendon felt the same, but the man seemed to be denying it himself.

a month after they became official, dallon had accidentally let it slip that he was in love with brendon, but it had never made anything awkward, thank christ.

brendon, however, found it harder and harder to keep dallon a secret from ryan and vice versa.

he knew that at that point, ryan figured something was up. the man wasn't exactly stupid, he knew when something was wrong, especially his boyfriend. he just didn't know what it was and it frustrated him.

brendon had been so distant and dismissive when ryan said "i love you", and it hurt a lot. at one point, ryan thought there was someone else, but there was no way brendon would do hurt him like that.

maybe brendon was just tired? he was working a lot lately, so it wouldn't be surprising. he's just been so quiet and he's always on his phone, ryan had to get to the bottom of it.

ryan was walking through the mall by himself, trying to find a few gifts for brendon for christmas, and that was when he saw it. he was hidden behind a shirt rack, but he had a perfect view of brendon and some other guy. his heart pounded when his eyes traveled lower and he saw their hands were laced together. he saw brendon was stroking the top of the other man's hand, the way brendon used to do to ryan, and he felt a tear sting his eye. he blinked it away quickly and shook his head.

he will not cry in a public place.

he will not make a scene in a public place.

he looked at the matching couple shirts he had in his hands and almost broke down entirely before taking a deep breath and composing himself.

he walked up to the cashier and quickly paid for the shirts before stalking out of the shop. he bumped into a few people on the way out, one of them even being the person brendon was with. he ignored the crowd around himself, just wanted to go home.

once he arrived at the apartment he and brendon got together, he started crying softly. made next to no noise as he searched the craft closet for a gift bag and tissue paper. he snatched a permanent marker off the mail table and plopped down on the couch.

he wrapped the dumb shirts in the dumb tissue paper and put them in the dumb bag lining more dumb tissue paper along the inside before standing up and trudging to their dumbdumbdumb shared bedroom.

he searched his messy bedside drawer for it. the thing he bought months ago.

but that's all it was now, a thing.

no longer was it a symbol for endless love and loyalty. no longer was it a symbol of commitment and trust.

it was just a thing.

he stared at the diamond set in the middle of the thin band and sighed as he harshly rubbed his tears away with his oversized sweater sleeve.

he slowly walked back to the living room and dropped the ring into the gift bag. he set the bag aside, grabbed his coat and keys and simply sat stiffly on the couch.

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