[fr] where are gee's hoodies [erard]

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gerard put a hand on his hip and looked in his small closet to see next to no hoodies or sweaters of any kind in there. "it seems like i have less clothing now than when the month began. i definitely have less sweaters."

"really?" asked frank, who was playing oblivious to gerard's little situation as he rolled around on the bed. he knew where they were disappearing to, but didn't say anything. he himself was wearing of gerard's hoodies at the current moment.

gerard nodded as he stared in his closet, "yeah, it's weird." he looked back at frank who was staring at him and shrugged as he ran his fingers through his long, tangled, inky hair. he sat down next to him and folded his legs underneath himself.

"jurassic park?"


by the end of the movie, frank's mother called him, asking when he was going to be home. knowing her, she would keep calling or texting until frank replied or go home, so he decided it was time to leave. it was getting late anyway.

after he got his shoes on, he descended down the stairs with gerard following him closely. when he got to the door, he turned around and gave the taller a long-ish kiss. well actually, they probably would have kept kissing until they heard somebody clearing their throat from the bottom of the steps. they pulled away from each other swiftly and turned to see mikey standing there, his arms crossed as he stared at them.

frank gave the other way an apologetic smile and gave gerard one more kiss goodbye before leaving, neither of them really realizing frank was still wearing gerard's hoodie.

when he entered the house, he dropped his bag on the couch and kicked his shoes off in a random direction on his way up the stairs to his room. as he laid on the bed, he realized he could still smell gerard's cologne and, when he looked down, noticed he was still wearing his black hoodie. sighing in annoyance, he sat up and looked, to the furthest corner of his room, at a pile of hoodie and shirts he had collected since the year began.

he pulled the long sleeves over his knuckles and brought them up to his nose, inhaling the nice, comforting scent that lingered on the piece of clothing, that was gerard way. boyfriend. soulmate.

he didn't want to return any of the clothing to gerard, but if he kept keeping the sweaters and shirts he borrowed, the poor boy wouldn't have anything to wear. he made up his mind to bring all of the clothes he had that was his boyfriend's to the way house the following evening.

but for the time being, he pulled off his socks, shimmied out of his pants and tossed them in some pile of probably dirty clothing that resided in his room.

damn, he needed to clean.

shaking his head and sighing again, he plugged his phone in to charge and got under the covers to sleep.

the next day after school, he walked home and immediately went up to his room after hugging his mother hello and, once again, throwing his backpack and shoes in some general area in the main room.

he found a folded cardboard box under his bed from his recent move and got to work on unfolding it and taping the bottom secure so it wouldn't give in under the weight and pressure of the clothing that would soon be finding its place in the bottom of the box.

he spent the next hour or so folding and placing the clothing neatly in the box and finally taping the top closed. when he went to pick it up, it was surprisingly heavy, so, "dad!"

his father just came up the stairs and stood in the doorway of his son's bedroom, asking the question with his eyes as opposed to his voice. "could I please have some help with this box? it's too heavy for my tiny noodle arms."

dad iero rolled his eyes and smiled at his son's ridiculousness before wandering over to the bed and picking the box up. "where does it need to go?"

"well, i was hoping to get a ride to gerard's house since that box is really fuckin' heavy and i'm not about to carry it a whole block." shrugging in agreement, they both descended the stairs and out to the car before his father called from the front door of the house that he was going to take frank to gerard's house and that he was going to the store.

frank played one of his songs during the short drive to the way residence and sang along with it. when he got there, his father carried the box in and set it on the couch before kissing his son goodbye on the forehead and leaving.

after he left, gerard immediately hoisted frank up and gave him a v deep kiss on the mouth. frank wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck and kissed him one more time before speaking just above a whisper, "i brought you something." the older grinned and set the small boy down. "what is it?"

"remember when you told me that it seemed like your clothes were disappearing yesterday?" gerard scratched the back of his head.


frank turned to the box, "well, i know where all of it went and i brought it back, because as you know, i live in the fucking void." cutting the tape with his pocket knife, he flopped the top open and gestured semi-dramatically with his arms, revealing about nine shirts and ten sweaters and hoodies. "ta-da."

gerard laughed breathily and wrapped his arms around frank's front, shoving his face against his neck, "i kind of figured that where they were all going, i just didn't want to accuse you of anything."

frank grinned and giggled and leaned back against him, "i honestly didn't even realize it was happening until last night. i guess i just really like your clothing."

the taller squeezed his waist the slightest and mumbled against his neck, "you do look really fucking adorable when you're wearing a massive sweater with nothing underneath, i'll give you that." which elicited a delighted shiver from the much smaller boy as he tossed his head back to expose his neck a small bit.

"okay, you over-sexually active teens, go away, i want to play my games with ray and pete." both boys looked up to see an annoyed mikey, a pete with a knowing expression plastered on his face, and a ray who was covering his fragile, innocent eyes, the poor boy.

they looked like the fucking power rangers or some shit. gerard pulled away from frank much to his protest and picked up the box, and before turning to go back up the stairs, mumbled, "okay, okay, have your fucking threesome," making frank snort and cover his mouth to hide a giant grin.

after a couple moments, frank composed himself and jabbed his thumb in the direction of the stairs, "i'm just going to-- yeah. see you guys later." he darted up the stairs, straight to gerard's room and laid down in the middle of the bed.

after gerard put the box down on the dresser, he turned to look at frank. he smiled softly when he saw the tiny boy lounging there, his hands behind his head, hazel eyes closed, a tiny smile gracing his lips. he admired him for a moment before sliding onto the bed and situating himself on his stomach between his boyfriend's legs. said boyfriend opened his eyes, his smile growing wider as he looked down to see gerard laying there.

he reached out and twisted some of his long hair around his finger before making a noise, "you need to wash your hair, girl." gerard sputtered and rested his head on frank's soft stomach. the other boy lifted himself up on his elbows and looked around. "i want to watch high school musical. can we please?"

gerard groaned. this was a weekly request.

they would be having a moment and then out of nowhere, he wants to watch high school musical.


"aw, thanks babe. i love you."

"ugh, i love you too."

stupid ending to a stupid oneshot
depression has been a bitch lately

please vote, this is my life

*forgive mistakes it's like 2am and i'm in pain

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