3| The Rain

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Suggested Song: A Heartbreak by Angus and Julia Stone

Carmen's POV

The bass was throbbing. My heart beat, sitting perfectly in time with it all.

I had been drinking since we got there. My plan was to get completely wasted so I didn't have to face anyone sober.

"Do you see Kobe!?" Sarah yells beside me through the music

Kobe was a boy Sarah had a huge crush on. He had started talking to her over message and they had built a small bond through a few flirty comments.

"No! I don't! Maybe he isn't here yet!" I yelled back


I could feel Sarah holding the strap of my bag tightly in attempts to not get sperated. Sarah knew well that if she got separated, I would have a panic attack. I knew barely anyone here. That scared me a lot just knowing that.

I want to go home. Why are we even here. No one knows who we are!

Shut up! Just shut up!! We are here because we love Sarah and we would do anything for her.

But would Sarah do this for us?

Yes! I know she would

"OMG! There he is!!" Sarah yells in my ear and jumps up to wave at the boy across the room.

He waves back and indicates her to come over to him

"Yay! Come on!" She says dragging me right and suddenly leading us both


We walk over to him and I notice a group of people next to him

They are all sitting on a group of couches.

But only one face catches my eye in the crowd.


"Ok, you are following me, Alabama" he says. Obviously I caught his eye too.

"Fuck off Will. I'm not following you. And stop calling me Alabama. I'm from California!" I outburst

"I know you're from California. But it's fun to watch you get so frustrated when I call you Alabama. Besides you're American. You probably have some sort of inbreeding in your family"

"Well I don't jackass. You have a pretty fucking warped idea of America, asshole!"

"Haha sure Alabama! Just do me a favour and fuck off. You're messing up my good time like always"

I didn't reply. I just turned and focused my attention on Sarah again.

I could still hear Will arrogantly calling me Alabama from behind me. But eventually he got bored and went back to talking to someone else

That odd ginger bloke was still next to him, along with another few people that I feel like I had seen before

I don't think that I had though.

Maybe I had.

I just don't know where from

"Can you stop fighting with people. You're kinda ruining my night!" Sarah yelled over the music at me

"Sorry... I-"

"Oh don't feel too bad Alabama... You ruin everyone's time just being here"

Wow. That hurt

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