14| He Was Never My Hero

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Suggested Song: Hearing by Sleeping at Last

Carmen's POV

I had become increasingly afraid over the passed couple of weeks. It had been three weeks since that first message from Jacob. And they had only grown more violent. I had tried to block his number, but he only found other ways to track me down. He had moved from my number to my social media. I had blocked 18 of his accounts in the passed fortnight.

I had been staying with Cleo and Sarah, because I didn't want to face Martha or Will right now. I hadn't shown anyone the messages.

I could see Sarah had grown suspicious, but she knows that if I say I don't want to talk about it, that's what I meant. Even Cleo had become concerned at how jumpy I was and spoke up about it. Cleo was shy and afraid of confrontation, but she got right up in my face about it last night. I was afraid I would be jumped so I had even avoided going outside as much as I could.

I was skipping classes and getting notes from Sarah later.

I knew it wasn't a healthy way to live, and that eventually I would have to face my demons, but I couldn't help but run and hide. Alex had been texting and calling non stop the last couple of days. Asking where I was and why I wasn't in class. I think he was worried I was avoiding them because of what happened between me and Will.

Even though Alex and George didn't witness Will going off at me, they weren't dumb, and they knew that something along those lines had happened.

But each text and call they sent, I ignored.

It wasn't that I was trying to make them think I was mad, I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. My sentences were even limited when it came to Sarah and Cleo.

It was almost like Cleo and I had swapped places.

Cleo was going out and shopping with Sarah, and I was the one bound to the safety of home. I was glad for Cleo, I just wish I could build up the confidence to leave the house and hang out with the new Cleo too.

She had really come out of her she'll recently. And for that, I was proud of her.

My phone buzzed again in my pocket.

I picked it up and the familiar contact popped up.


Though I hated not having a choice, something about being forced out of this gross dorm, made me relieved

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Though I hated not having a choice, something about being forced out of this gross dorm, made me relieved. I was glad Alex had texted and told me I had no choice.

It gave me comfort.

I decided it was best to text Sarah and let her know that I was ok, and that I probably wouldn't be there when she got back.

I decided it was best to text Sarah and let her know that I was ok, and that I probably wouldn't be there when she got back

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