37| Good Views, Bad News

285 7 5

Suggested Song: Tell Me by Johnny Jewel

Carmen's POV

I was an idiot. Foolish. Naive.

But nevermind my stupid pathetic meltdown. Now was an important moment.

Will had woken me up early this morning to show me the videos progress from yesterday.

Views were huge, and still raising.

People really enjoyed watching Will and I. A strange concept. But an interesting one none the less.

I sat next to Will on the couch as we leant against each other whilst scrolling through the comments section of our last video together.

It was about eight thirty at night. Everyone else had gone out for Friday night drinks.

But Will and I were joining them later on.

"Jesus! Look at that!" Will says pointing out the view count.

I smiled and looked at him. We made a good team in this YouTube thing.

The video was now both our most viewed video, hitting a good four mil.

"We should do more videos together, you and me" He says enthusiastically

My attention goes from Will's laptop to the TV behind that's playing Family Guy on repeat. Will got up suddenly, letting me slide slowly to the empty gap he now left.

"I'm just going to the bathroom" He says as I slightly glare up at him as I sink.

He smirks and walks off towards the hall.

I slowly shuffle and pick myself up, sitting up so my spin doesn't break.

My attention is broken by a small knock near the kitchen. I look up over the back of the couch, but quickly pass it off as nothing.

I expected to not hear another, but to my surprise I hear a loud pound on the door and look up, this time with a large jolt.

I stand up and stretch my left leg out.

I wasn't in much rush as I assumed it was just Stephen or something.

I walk over and grab my phone off the bench. I stumble over to the door and twist the key, turning the handle as it clicks.

I edge the door open, and to my surprise I am met with Cleo.

But I wasn't as happy to see her as I usually was. This time, she didn't wear her bright and shinning smile that I had become so accustomed to.

This time, her smile had melted. Her check and eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying.

"Oh my God, Cleo! What happened" I say trying to pull her into a hug, but she quickly pushes my arms away.

"How could you?! I thought you were my friend, Carmen!" She sobs out

I stare at her blankly. I didn't even know how to ask what she was saying.

3rd Person POV

"Wha-" Carmen chokes out under her breath as she watched Cleo's face turn from upset to agitated.

"Don't pull that shit! I know what you and Eli have been up to! How could you?! Even after he told you we were together!" Cleo yells throughout the apartment.

At this time, Will had heard the commotion and wondered out behind Carmen to see what was happening.

"What are you on about Cleo?! I don't fucking know what's going on!" Carmen says, raising her voice to match Cleo's.

Cleo glares holes through Carmen, still convinced she knew what she was saying.

"How could you..." Cleo sobs out.

Carmen watches over. Her eyes foggy and cracked.

Carmen grabbed Cleo's shoulders, holding them gently and pulling her gaze and attention back to her.

"Cleo... Please... I don't know what I did..." Carmen says gently.

Cleo furrowed her eyebrows and sniffles, slightly still sceptical about whether she really knew or not.

"...Eli..." She whispered and Carmen immediately became worried.

"You... You took him away from me! He told me he mentioned that we were dating many times! But you just ignored him and tried to sleep with him..." Cleo says, hanging her head

Carmen's heart sunk. She had no clue that Cleo and Eli were dating. Why did he tell Cleo she knew when she didn't.

And why did he make moves on Carmen when he was with Cleo.

"Cleo I..." Carmen starts, but pauses and thinks

How was she to explain? Would Cleo even believe her?

"No! You did this! I thought you were my friend Carmen! Don't ever fucking talk to me again" Cleo yells, pushing Carmen's hands away and walking off down the dim halls.

That was the first time Carmen had heard Cleo swear. But instead of it being a giggly moment like it usually was, she felt no emotion.

Carmen gently pushed the door closed and looked down at the kitchen floor as she stumbled over to the counter, letting her weight fall on to it.

Will stared at her.


He knew Eli was bad news. And all Carmen could think about was how Will had been right.

Carmen balanced her weight on the bench as her arms shook underneath her own weight.

She breathed out heavily, trying to keep it controlled.

Will watched her face, waiting for her to explode.

To yell.



But she just stood there. A blank look on her face as though someone had pushed the reset button and was waiting for her to kick back in.

She was emotionless.

Like a perfect porcelain doll sitting in the old, broken shelves of an abandoned house.

She had snapped.


A heart that was once one, was now shattered, and couldn't even be healed again.

Will stood with his head down.

"Carmen I-"

"...I guess you were right... Eli was bad..." She mutters before walking off to her room.

Her utter emotionless look and tone scared Will.

He wasn't even to sure how to react. So he just watched as she shuffled out of sight.

Wills POV

"What happened?" Alex whispered quietly under his breath as each of us stared at her door from the hallway.

I had called everyone back after the dispute.

"Her friend Cleo came around. I guess that boy she had been dating was playing them both and told Cleo that Carmen knew about the whole thing" I replied, not looking away from her door.

I could only imagine her lying across her bed staring at the roof.

Broken heart.

"Oh fuck. That sucks..." George says, sticking his head in between us.

"What should we do?" Alex says, looking up at me

I sighed and looked down at my hands and begin fiddling with my fingers.

"Im not sure. But we can't just leave her in there"

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz