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Suggested Song: Lua by Bright Eyes

Carmen's POV

I lay in bed, the sunlight shining through the gaps in the blinds.

My hands were laying comfortably at behind my head and my legs lapped over each other.

A song was stuck in my head from the night before, as I hummed it, my toes tapped along with it's rhythm.

I light knock vibrated through my door, that makes me sit up and look in it's direction.

"Come in!" I shout

The handle turns and Alex walks in. He smiles tiredly.

"Whats up?" I question as he looks around my room

"Tonight Stephen's throwing a party at our house. He wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come" he replies

"Sure. Why here though?"

"Will offered the apartment, because Stephens place is quite small"

I nod in response and Alex smiles before walking out, and closing the door behind him.

I get out of bed and the blankets drag off my body, revealing my cold skin to the open world.

A shiver runs down my spine as I walk over to the closet and pick out my clothes for the day.

I undress out of my pajamas and slide into my clothes.

As I look in the mirror I dust my pants off and adjust my top, making sure everything was perfect. I tie my hair up into a pony tail and brush the ends of it gently

I smile in the mirror at myself confidently.

I felt like an absolute baller. Yesterday afternoon, Eli and I talked and hangout. And by the end of the night, we exchanged phone numbers.

My heart fluttered like a new butterfly.

He's soooo amazing...

I couldn't wait to hang out with him again.

I gather up my phone and walk out of my room into the main area.

George and Alex are sitting at the bench talking, and James is sprawled across the couch.

Will is no where to be seen, but was that really a bad thing?

My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down and check it.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down and check it

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I was excited. Things were moving along nicely with Eli.

Maybe we could be something more than friends. I mean, he clearly wants to hang out and get to know me more.

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