35| Stevens Proposal

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A horrible tragedy took place at my home city today. If you didn't hear about the Christchurch Mosque shooting, several sick and disgusting human beings shot at two different Mosques in Christchurch today, Friday the 15th of March. 49 people have lost their lives, many including young children, and more have been seriously injured. This disgusting and heinous hate crime has broken my heart. My prays go out to the families that now must suffer in pain because of these despicable people who don't even deserve the title 'human'. May the families find peace. And may a wound that was ripped in the people of Christchurch, come to heal fast. And to the Australian politician who blamed New Zealand, stating that it was 'NZ's fault for letting too many Muslims into our country', go fuck yourself. Stay Strong NZ <3

Suggested Song: Second Chance by Liam Finn

Carmen's POV

We pull into the garage and Will puts on the hand break.

The car jolts slightly as it breaks to a stop. I'm excited to hear Stevens surprise. I wanted to get away from the house for a while.

Will and I walk upstairs together and open the already unlocked door. Inside, Steven and the roommates are all sitting on the couch streaming Family Guy. As we walk in, Alex and George look at Will and I confused.

"Where did you guys go together?" George finally asks

Will and I look at each other then back at them.

"To get coffee?" Will replies, curious at their confusion. 

Steven stands up excitedly, rubbing his hands together whilst grinning widely.  Whatever he was about to tell us, he was thrilled about. It better be good!

"So Steven, whats your big surprise?" James asks, sitting up from the couch he was laying on.

"So, you know how its my birthday in two weeks?" He asks and we all nod knowingly "Well, I've decided to take all my friends on a trip to Ibiza!" He yells with enthusiasm.

I smile and put my hands in the air. I was fucking thrilled!

I had never been to a party city like that. I couldn't even imagine how awesome it would be to go with all the special people around me. And since the majority of us were YouTubers, we could benefit each others channels from the trip. It was a win win. I looked over at Will who bared a huge smile. Steven seemed grateful that everyone was just as excited. He too, wore a smile, just as big as ours.

"Who else is coming?" Alex  asks, catching Stevens attention.

"Um... You guys, Gee, Chip,  Josh, Cal, JJ, Simon. Just like all of our friends" He replies and Will smiles grows.

Gee was nice.

She had texted me and talked like we were best of friends. Proposing that we go shopping and hang out at the mall like young dodgy tweens again. The good days...

The others I didn't really know. I knew Chip, but the rest I knew only from YouTube. I had never met them face to face. Hopefully they were nice though. I walked off from the now conversing group to my bedroom, thinking about all the things I could bring with me.

This trip sounded like a different and fun experience. 

Though I had never really drank and raised the party, something I knew happened lots in Ibiza, I was prepared to travel along with everyone.

Mostly because I didn't want to be left at home alone for two weeks. 

It was about this time that my phone started buzzing in my hand. I plonked down on the bed and answered. The title flashing across the screen read Eli.

Eli and I had been dating for a couple of weeks. He had taken me on long shopping sprees and on romantic dates all along the beach. I was really falling for Eli. I had felt something I hadn't for a while.


Carmen: "Hey Eli"

Eli: "Hi"

Carmen: "Whats up?"

Eli: "Nothing much. Just wanted to talk to you..."

Carmen: "Oh... ok..."

Eli sounds blunt and closed off. Not his usually cheerful and open personality. Now he sounded like a small child that had been told no.

Eli: "I don't think we should be together anymore"

Carmen: "Wait what?! What do you mean?! Why!?"

Eli: "It doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you... to never speak to me again"

Carmen: "Wait! What do you mean!? Eli please!"

Eli: "Goodbye, Carmen"


OooOoOOhhHhhhhHhh Cliff hanger... sorry I'm a dork. Sorry for the short chapter. But I will try to update tomorrow. I hope you all have a lovely day or night. And may the victims of today's crimes, rest peacefully, and may their families find comfort and peace themselves. I Love you Christchurch, I'll be home again one day <3

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu