80| I've Waited

254 7 9

Suggested Song: Don't Dwell by Barnacle Boi

Carmen's POV

I sat with my legs crossed on the bus stop seat outside the hospital lobby. I held my necklace locket in my fingers as I trace the pattern of a butterfly. I thought about Will. And I thought about what I felt deep down inside. Was I falling? Falling for someone I spent my whole life hating before?

I leant my head against the glass back of the stop. I watched the cars drive past and wonder if Will was in any of them. Where was he right now? Was he thinking of me too?

I didn't know what to do with myself. I just wanted to line the shitty bus stop walls with my brain. Oh how fucked up my life had become. I watched as my bus pulled around the corner into sight and came to a stop in front of me. I stood up and walked on.

I sat at the front behind the drivers seat and held my head in my hands.

I watched the tall city builds fade behind me out if sight as we got closer to the hotel. The lights seemed blurry in the back of my head. There wasn't many other people on the bus with me. I tied the necklace around my wrist and dangled it off my hand as it sparkled in the sunlight.

I could see us getting closer to where I needed to be. My heart started skipping beats. I felt a gentle smile grow across my face as I thought about Will more. My eyes watered slightly as I became more excited to explain what I felt. And what I now knew he felt to.

He had been feeling that feeling the whole time. Even before I did.

We finally reach the bus stop outside the hotel and I hop off with a thank you to the man driving. He smiles and I jog down the steps. The bus pulls off with a thick black cloud of smoke as I look up at the hotel across the busy road.

I wait for a even clearing in the traffic and run across the road to the hotel on the other side.

My heart started to skip as I got closer. I looked up at my window as I jogged into the lobby. I flash a quick smile at the woman sitting at the front desk, as she returns a friendly nod. I jog into the elevator and press the sixth floor. I rummage through my jeans pocket for the rooms keys.

I pull them out as the doors open on my floor. I run with a steady, excited speed down the hallway to the room. My heart beats fast the long as I get closer. I knew what I wanted.

I had finally got the bottom. I had finally reached the end of falling. I knew what I wanted. He was standing right in front of me. All the time searching, all the time wanting and hoping. And who I was trying to find was sleeping down the hall from me.

All those sleepless nights, lying awake stating at the roof. Waiting for someone to take me away. I had reached the bottom. And just like Mum said. The only person I can see in the dust is Will.

I shakily put the keys in the lock and the door pops open. I push myself in with the biggest smile across my face. The door swings open...

"Will!" I yelled as I entered the dark room. The curtains were pulled and the room was empty. Just the way I had left it

"Will?!" I called again as I poked my head into the little living space area

"Will?! Are you here?! I need to speak to-... You..." I quiet down as I noticed the locked bathroom door

I jog up to the door and try to push it open with my weight. It was definitely locked from the other side.

"Will?! Will are you in there?! Please open the door?! I need to speak to you!" I beg, knocking on the door louder and louder each time

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now