38| I Dont Want To Be In Love

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Suggested Song: We Move Lightly by Dustin O'Halloran

Will's POV

I brushed up against that handle gently as I thought over what I was going to say to Carmen. I couldn't hear any movement in there. Just silence.

Alex and George stare at me from the end of the hallway as they wait for me to go in.

It had been decided as best for Carmen to talk to someone she had known for a long time.

Even if that had to be me.

Someone she hated.

I sigh, and turn the cold handle in my hands as it sprung open.

As I walk in, I immediately spot Carmen lying spread out over her bed watching the empty white roof above. She looks peaceful, but somehow completely disturbed and distorted at the same time.

I walked over and plonked down on the edge of the bed beside her.

She moved with the bed, but didn't once look over at me. She just continued to zone out.

"Hey..." I start, watching to see if she would react

"Hey" She repeats

"So uh... How are you?" I ask, hoping she'll at least look at me

She sighs and rolls her head to look at me. She forces a small smile and shrugs.

"I uh... I'm sorry about what happened Carmen" I mutter through an awkward silence.

She looks up at me.

"I guess you were always right Will"

Carmen's POV

"I guess you were always right Will" I mutter and look at the wall behind him

He looks down guiltily.

"Don't say that..." He says quietly

"Why not Will? You were right when you said I didn't matter to anyone" I say, still looking at the wall.

"No! That's not true! I was wrong. I was always wrong. You matter to so many people. And if one asshole can't see that, you shouldn't base your whole life off that!" He gets up and yells at me.

His tone was harsh. But I knew he wasnt mad at me.

"It not just Eli! It's everyone. My own Mother doesn't even egknowledge me anymore!" I sit up and shout at him.

The tension in the room grew. Will stopped and stood extremely still.

"I just... I don't want to be in love..." I mutter through a tear as I lay back down and face away from Will.

He sighs and sits on the edge of my bed, making it dip down to one side.

"It will be okay Carmen" He says, putting his hand on my shoulder and rubbing it gently.

"How do you know" I ask, not looking in his direction. Only continuing to stare at the blank wall in front of me.

"I don't... But... I guess I'm always here"

I slowly turn my body around to face him and watch him as he smiles, picks himself out and leaves me alone in the room.

I look up at the ceiling again.

Hoping I would fall asleep and never wake up again.


Sorry for the short chapter. I've been quite busy lately. Hopefully I can get back into a proper swing soon.

Hope you enjoyed this possibly bad and short chapter. Luv ya!

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now