73| Looks like Water, Tastes like Vodka

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Suggested Song: Team by Lorde

Carmen's POV

I jumped back with my chest clenched in my hand. Several familiar friends jump out from behind dark corners and surround me in a loud cheer. I stare out into the crowd, then look up at Will. He was smiling at me. He quickly wrapped me in a hug, and slowly, still in shock, I hugged back.

"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday?" He says as he let's go. A playful tone in his voice

"I don't know... I guess i-it just never... Was something big to me" I say over loud music as it starts pumping. Team by Lorde begins to pump the bass

"Well it's a big thing to us" He says, gently shoving my shoulder playfully

I look back out into the crowd as everyone else begins to huddle around a table filled with bottles of alcohol. As I slowly step in, Stephen begins to walk over. As he downs a shot, he smiles and hands one each to Will and I.

"Aye! Carmen! Now we don't have to sneak drinks for you like in Ibiza!" He yells through the music

I smile at Will and I gently clink the small shots filled with what looked like water, but tasted like Vodka. I feel the burn slither down into my poor digestive system.

Will finishes his shot and takes mine from my hand and puts both on the table next to us. He takes my hand and leads me through a crowd of already blasted people. Many of them yell 'Happy Birthday' briefly as we pass. I give back a simple 'Thanks' and a smile. Will stops right in front of the stereo and let's go of my hand.

"What are we doing!?" I yell over the music

He looks at me and grins.

"Dancing!" He yells back with a smile. He starts to dance like an idiot, trying to make me laugh I can only imagine.

Cause if he really dances like that, well Abby Lee Miller was coming for ass. That was for sure. I shyly smile at him as he begins to move closer.

"Come on! Dance Carmen!" He yells

"I don't dance!" I yell back, shyly gripping my arm. He stops and stares at me, his smile not as big as it once was.

"You know, you have a lot more fun when you're not sitting there worrying about what everyone else thinks all the time" He says, the music I quite due to the end of the song and the quite start of the new one

"But I-"

"No buts! Unless it's yours... Moving!" He says smirking at me "Just let go Carmen... None of the people here are watching you, they aren't judging. God I'm here dancing like this and no one has said anything"

I look down shyly at the ground

"Have a good time Carmen. Let go. Who gives a fuck what other people think. Giving a fuck is what stops you, Everytime. Its what stops you from having fun. Cause you're always too busy thinking about what other people aren't even saying" He says slightly loudly as the other songs bass picks up

"So come on! Dance!" He yells and starts dancing again

I smile and begin to slowly move with him. It felt like stress had slid off me. For once I wasn't standing in the corner watching everyone else have fun. It was me having fun. Real fun. I start to go harder and Will slightly laughs and joins in.

I let go...

I let go of the heartache, I let go of the pain, of the sadness, of the tears, the headaches the loneliness, and in that moment, I just danced with Will. I listened to his advice and let go of the people around me.

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