58| The Stars

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Suggested Song: Where's My Love - Acoustic by SYML (Really good band for indie music BTW)

Carmen's POV

Do you ever have those days, where you forget what happiness feels like?

Where everything has gone so bad, for so God damn long, that the sun forgot to rise again, and night just continues. And you just keep dreaming. When these phases come back and forth, they leave you direction less. And everything anyone does, is suddenly a personal attack.

I don't like those days.

They hurt. A lot. But since I've been friendly with Will, those days reduce. He takes away that feeling of hate and sadness. And for a while there, I forgot what days like that was like.

Ever since I was young, I've had a certain emotion, if you could even call it that, that I could not understand. It was... Nothing. Literally nothing. It felt like nothing. But though it was nothing, it carried weight. A weight that almost took my life many times. It was like a sadness that had become so deep, that it had imploded and become an emptiness. But Will... He made me forget. He made me feel happiness and feelings that I can't explain. Those feelings weren't like the 'nothing' . They were pure. And they were something.

How could I explain to someone like Will? Would he even understand? What if he left? I couldn't live without those pure feelings he gave me.

They were like my life support.

As I watched the sun rise and reflect on the water around me, I shivered. The sight was fire. Burning away the pain into, well... nothing. I traced the pattern off my bikini top as I watched. My fingers, carefully following the line of each seam like a trail. I could feel the warm Ibiza air returning, fighting off the cold night breeze. The sun, slowly tracing and filling each bump in my face. Destroying each and every shadow.

I breathe in slowly, feeling the water move in and out with my body as my lungs fill with the sweet scent of palm and roses.

"Hey" I hear a voice behind me, that I could only recognize as as Gee

I smile and turn in the pool


"So. How is your lovely Ibiza morning been so far? I mean, you are up pretty early these days" She smiles and plonks down in a near by lounge chair. I look down and run my hands through the water.

"Yeah... I couldn't sleep" I reply, looking back up at her

She nods and looks down at her hands, playing with her only ring. Twisting and turning it around her finger.

"Any particular reason?" She smiles and looks back up at me

I shake my head silently. That was the truth. Most nights I couldn't sleep fully. I guess it was a bad habit that I had trained myself into. Mum always did talk about how I could train my body to wake up at certain time. Body clock... I think it was called.

"What did you and Will get for Stephen's Birthday?" She pipes up, and becomes cheery and giggly again

"Uh... we decided on Drake tickets... He is coming to the UK soon" I reply and Gee crosses her arms playfully

"Ugh! Really! I want to go to that! That would have been awesome" She giggles

"Haha... I'll keep that in mind" I reply and the sliding door opens behind us

Out walks Will. Gee and I both just surprisingly peak around at him as he walks over to us. Will was not a morning person. Gee was. But she was just happy to be awake. So I'm pretty sure she's also a night owl. However, Will wasn't awake until eleven most days.

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