75| I've Loved You Before

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*WARNING* This chapter and the next few chapters might be upsetting to some readers. Please read carefully and do not continue to read if upsets you due to your personal experiences. Stay strong❤️

Carmen's POV

It was a gentle morning. My eyes opened to the sun creeping through the curtain as I sat up. Will was awake as well. Recently, by it looked. He smiled at me, to which I returned it. As I slithered out of bed, I unzipped my bag and looked through it for some jeans and a nice top.

I found something reasonable and took them in a handful to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and adjusted the temperature to a sweet warmth, with just enough cold to wake me up efficiently. As the water ran down my body, I looked at the sunlight pushing through the frosted bathroom window. I could see the blue sky around the edges of it peaking through.

I gave my hair a quick wash and rinsed off when I heard a faint knock on the door.

"Hey Carmen! Don't be too long! It's ten o'clock already and we don't want to be late to visit your Mum!" I heard Will call from the other side.

"Ok cool! I'll be just a minute!" I yelled in response.

I turned the shower off and dried off in the cold bathroom air. I brush my hair, and slip on my clothes along with my shoes I took off the night before, before slipping out of the bathroom quickly. Will was sitting on the bed, tying up his shoes. He looked back at me and smiled.

"You ready to see her?" He asks.

I give a small smile and nod. I guess I was. But the overwhelming nervousness was outweighing any sort of joy that I could feel for the woman who left me alone for so long.

"Come on" Will gestures, standing up and flashing the keys in his hand for the rental car.

I follow him to the elevator and watch as he presses the ground floor button. It lights up red and I begin to shuffle closer to Will. He seems to notice this. He looks down at me and quickly looks back up before I can do anything.

The doors open to the hotel lobby and we walk out to the street where the unfamiliar car was parked. We got in and Will put on the radio, to which some fantastically horrible music began playing. I was too tired to change it, and Will didn't seemed bothered by the song, so I didn't want to upset him if he liked it or something.

"Damn, I'm so tired" I say through a yawn.

Will smiles and nods at me as he started yawning as well. We had gotten a good sleep, but jet lag was a bitch.

I whipped out my phone and texted Mums number. It took a few minutes for her to respond, but it wasn't that that stunted me. Where I expected a normal street address was what seemed to just be a hospital name. I went into Google and searched it up to see if it was perhaps a rehab or something, but it was infact not. Just a plain old injury hospital.

I started to worry. Why was the address Mum sent, a hospital? I stay quiet and give Will the address, not mentioning what it is.

We stay quiet in the car. Not much of a conversation was able to be hyped up. We were both tired and not in the mood to have a talking marathon, I guess. It wasn't very busy in the city. Just some fuss as a few late people head to office jobs.

Eventually we arrive and we pull into the parking lot and stop as Will gives me a weird look.

"Are you sure you gave me the right address?" He asks, leaning up against the steering wheel

I look down at my hands awkwardly and nod. I didn't want to look him in the eyes. I could only imagine what sort of trouble Mum had gotten herself into this time. Now Will was going to witness it with me.

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