19| I Guess This Is Goodbye

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Suggested Song: If I Go, I'm Goin by Gregory Alan Isakov

Carmen's POV

"Where do you want me to put these boxes?" George questions as he holds a giant stack of flat cardboard boxes.

"Um... Can you just put them on my bed?" I say pointing at my messy mattress

He nods and walks away.

Martha had been sitting on her bed glaring at us all morning. I think Will had gotten a little sick of it, because for the last hour, every time he walked passed her, he flipped her the bird the whole time he could see her.


I walked over to my closet and grabbed a huge arm full of clothes, stuffing them the cardboard box stacked on my desk.

"You know Alabama... for a small dorm room, you sure as fuck have a lot of shit" Will says as he walks up behind me puffed

"Fuck off! I like all my useless shit!" I say flipping him the bird and returning to packing.

I was up to the last box. I chuck the last few things in the box and tape it up. Martha smirks at me across the room, she knew I had no where to go. I glared back at her and turned to face the wall. Alex walks back in the room and George follows, quickly collapsing on my bed.

"So... What now?" I question, staring at the pile of taped and filled boxes sitting at the door entrance.

"Well... Carmen. We actually had a talk and came up with an idea" Alex replies, smirking at me slightly

I raise my eyebrow in suspicion. Alex doesn't continue, he just looks around at the Will until George sighs and fills in.

"Josh is moving out to live with his girlfriend, we were wondering if you wanted to move in" He explains

"Oh no no. I couldn't inconvenience you guys like th-"

"You're not inconveniencing us. We want you to move in. Cause otherwise Will will just store a bunch of random stuff in the extra room" George says glancing at Will

Yeah he made a good point.

"Besides, we need you as much as you need us. We know you have no where else to go Carmen" Alex pipes up

He was sadly right. I didn't really have a choice. Well... I did. But my choice was in between living with them, people I know, in a nice apartment... Or living with complete, and possibly dangerous strangers in a crummy old flat

I know what choice I want to make on this one.

"Yeah ok... Thank you guys" I look up from my thoughts and smile

At least that was a huge worry off my shoulders.

"No! That's not fair! She was supposed to suffer not live in some better apartment!!" Martha whines behind us.

We turn around and look at her as she packs a tantrum like a troubled toddler. I roll my eyes at her behavior.

"That's right. So instead of hurting her, you just helped her get out of this shit hole and into a bigger, nicer apartment" George sits up and pokes his tongue out at her.

He was so sassy.

I walk over to Martha lying on her bed in defeat.

"I guess this is goodbye, Martha" I say, sticking my hand out to her.

She looks at my hand then up at me with a confused glare. She lifts herself and sits up right. Slowly and cautiously, she takes my hand and shakes it back. Slowly we let go, and her confused glare melts into a relieved smile, as she looks down at the floor.

"I know we never really... Got off on the right foot. And I'm sorry about... your eye. Just know... There's no hard feelings from me here" I say to her before walking off towards the door

The boys already had arms full of boxes and were waiting at the door. Two boxes were left sitting on my empty bed. Martha looked like a mix of peace, relief and shock.

"Oh and Martha!" I say, turning around to look at her again. I grab my old dorm keys out of my pocket "Best of luck to you" I say before I toss her the key and grab the boxes, walking out of the dorm

She catches them and smiles gently. The war was over, and peace had returned. All was well in the village again. My battle here, was finally finished, and nothing but lost hurt feelings and peace lingered. I followed the boys downstairs and to Alex's car parked in the lot.

We stuff as many boxes fit, in the boot and the rest go under my feet in the front.

"Thank you guys for helping out today, and for... The place to stay" I say looking at Alex beside me and in the rearview mirror at Will and George

They all smile back to me

"Your welcome roommate" Alex says as he smirks at me

I smile to myself and look out the window.

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