12| I Still Hate You

338 7 2

Suggested Song: All I Wanted by Daughter

Carmen's POV

Vulnerability is a killer.

We are weakest in our most vulnerable times, yet we are most rational. Its strange how one situation can take us from the bear, to the wounded dear. Vulnerability is not the bullet, or the shooter. It is the decision to stand in front of the gun. Which lately I have been forced in front of that gun a lot.

I sat still on the couch, watching random movies of Netflix. Will had given me the remote and left to his room. It was kind of nice to watch Netflix of an actual TV.

The last couple of nights I had developed a knot in my neck from being curled up on my bed watching it on my tiny phone. Martha used to have a TV in our room.

But she had a bitch fit and broke it. So now we sit in silence most nights with our headphones in. So to sit on an actual couch, and watch an actual TV, was a nice change.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it. A notification popped up from YouTube.

My heart stopped when I logged in.


I stand up quickly and have a little celebration, waving my arms in the air like a lunatic.

I smiled to myself. Alex was right, it did feel good. I opened my Twitter up immediately and put it on my feed.

A couple minutes later, my phone buzzed and I opened up Twitter again

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A couple minutes later, my phone buzzed and I opened up Twitter again

A couple minutes later, my phone buzzed and I opened up Twitter again

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Even my YouTuber friend Jessica had congratulated me. I was super excited. So many people were congratulating me.

That honestly felt amazing.

I sat back down on the couch and heard the front door behind me open. I turned around and Alex and George walked in.

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