74| A Flight Away

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Carmen's POV

"Hey are you ready to go?" Will says, clutching his forehead in pain as he groaned in my doorway.

"Yeah" I say

I wasn't hung over. The realization that I was going to be seeing a woman I spent a lot of time hurting me, and what Will had said, then taken away from me, seemed to sober me up enough. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon, our flight was four. It was roughly an eleven hour flight meaning we would get there at three in the morning our time, but seven at night their time. That wasn't bad.

No one had even noticed that I had disappeared last night. I didn't want to be there. Looking at Will. I just couldn't. I walked around the hills for a long time, trying to get a hold of my feeling. I could feel it. In my stomach, in my heart, my hands, my eyes, in my throat, everywhere. I couldn't escape it.

"Have anything to get rid of a hangover by chance?" He says, still whining in pain

I smiled slightly and got up, pushing passed him and walking to the kitchen. Alex was slumped over the counter drinking coffee, and George was slumped over the couch. I smirked and shook my head.

"Ugh... I never want to get that drunk again" I heard George whine from the lounge, I giggled

"Where James?" I ask turning the kettle on

"I'm pretty sure he's dead" Will says, leaning the majority of his weight on the counter.

I giggled again and got four cups out of the cabinet. I set them on the bench and made some fresh ginger and camomile tea. That would help with the killer hangovers. I brewed it then slid a cup to Alex, Will and George. I took the forth one into James who was asleep, but he would be feeling it when he woke up. I put on his nightstand and gently closed the door again.

"Alex, make sure James drinks that when he wakes up. It'll help you guys feel better faster" I instruct as I go back into the hallway and my room.

I heard a small groan from Alex as I walked away.

I grabbed my suitcases and walked them down the hallway and out, down to the garage where Wills car was. I popped the boot and slid them in. Will's were already lazily slipped in there. I smiled and walked back up to the apartment, where it was no more lively than what is was when I left.

"Right... You ready to go?" Will says as he grabs his keys and hands them to me

I nod and take the keys from his hand. I give Alex and George a brief hug and they slowly bid me farewell. Will and I walked back down to his car and jumped in. I was quite nervous of what lay ahead.

What was Mum's plans for me?

I turned the key on as Will slumped over the passenger seat. I shook my head and giggled as I started to head out of the garage that I wouldn't come to see for two weeks.


It had been a quite plane trip. Not very eventful at all. Just long. I spent the first two hours with Will snoozing on my shoulder, then the rest of the nine hour trip watching movies on my laptop with Will.

It was a good thing he had... Illegally... Downloaded some movies before we left.

It was dark outside. The familiar city lights ruled down below us as we got closer to home. I smiled out the window. Will leaned over me and smiled out the window. He was feeling better by now.

"Wow... It's amazing... So this is California aye?" He smirks at me

I nod and look back over at the city. Raging cars and city lights lit up the gentle fog that was settling around the city life. It was exciting to be back. I was sickly nervous, but tried to convince myself of a good time none the less. I leaned my head against Will's shoulder as we both stared out the small window.

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