15| I Find Comfort

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Suggested Song: American Beauty by Thomas Newman (I highly suggest you put this soundtrack on repeat and read this chapter. It goes well with it ❤️)

Carmen's POV

"Morning Char" Dad calls as he sits in his morning chair like usual

The newspaper in one hand and a cup of hot tea in the other.

Mum was in the kitchen making breakfast. The loud but soothing crackle of the frying pan filled the house with a delightful and peaceful feel.

"Morning Dad" I say through a yawn

Mum smiles at me as I walk into the kitchen and she places three plates out on the table. The gentle clang of the glass sends a chill through my back.

I was only 6 years old.

"We have some news to tell you Char" Mum smiles as I feel Dad come up behind me and Pat my back

"That's right kiddo" Dad says as he sits down at the table.

Mum follows behind him.

I stare at both of them worried about what the news was.

"Well come on" She giggles and gestures for me to sit down

I sit down carefully in front of them. Cautious of my every move.

Oh god. They've found my secret gum stash haven't they?! Or... Did they found out I kept feeding the neighbors cat even after they told me to stop

"So what's the... News?" I ask

Mum and Dad both drop their forks and look up at me excitedly. Their smiles grow more and more.

"Your mother and I are very excited to tell you Carmen... That... You're going to be a sister!" Dad says and Mum squeals in an ecstatic tone.

I smile at them. I was going to be a sister

"That's so cool! Will she be born before we move to the UK?" I question

"No. She will be inside Mummy's tummy for a little while after we move" Dad replies looking up from his breakfast

"Oh..." I say looking at that packed up boxes around us

I look down at my lap and smile to myself. I always wanted someone I could play with like a sister or a brother.

"Carmen..." I look up at Mum and Dad. They are both eating and not even looking at me

"Carmen..." I hear again. But neither of them move a muscle

"Did you guys hear that?" I ask and they look up


"Hear what honey?"

"CARMEN!" I jolt upwards in a panic almost headbutting Will and knocking us both out

He moved just in time though. I look at Alex who's staring at me as though I just grew an extra head.

"Hey Twitchy! We're here!" Will sniggers as he climbs out of the car behind George.

I open my door and look at the busy parking lot around me. I felt droopy and tired as I shuffled along behind the group. But it's not long before Alex drops back from the group and begins walking beside me.

"Hey Carmen. You ok?" Alex says looking at me seriously

"Yeah... I just... I don't know" I say holding my head

I knew what was wrong. But I couldn't tell Alex. I had never told anyone about those memories that I dreamt about for the longest time.

Memories that I shouldn't possibly be able to remember would flood over me when I slept. Some were comforting and brought me peace. Others were scary and tore me apart, causing me to become afraid to close my eyes again.

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