59| You Are Perfect

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Thank you all for being patient with me and my terrible update patterns at the moment. I really appreciate the support I'm getting from people❤️ also sorry if this is a bit of a cringey chapter. I tried. But reading back over kinda just makes me feel a bit dramatic and teen bop like. So sorry if it isn't very good😂

Suggested Song: Still by Daughter

Carmen's POV

I stood in the mirror, darting two dresses back and forth over me, to see which one I liked. I furrow my eyebrows as I continue two pass them back and forth, but neither seemed right to me. They both were just... Awful.

They were nice dresses, don't get me wrong. But on me, they just looked... All round bad.

Suddenly, a polite knock on the door, followed by a sweet 'Can I come in?' was heard, and I quickly dump the dresses on the ground and stand awkwardly as I respond with a resounding 'yeah' back. The door slowly creeks open and Will walks in and shuts it again behind him.

"You almost ready?" He asks, eyeing me up and down, already knowing the answer considering I was still dressed in my pajama shorts and a hoodie.

I frown at the ground and shake my head and he walks over to me.

"Are you okay?" He politely asks, a few inches from my face

God I hated those words. They left a bad taste in mouth, and for my entire life, they were always asked by people who didn't really care for the answer.

What was I even supposed to say to words like that?

"Yeah" I reply and gently smile. He nods and looks at his feet.

"You can't pick a dress can you?" He asks and I nod slightly

He sighs and picks up the two dresses I through and continued my previous practice of back and forth mirror observation. He turns me to face the mirror and stands behind me, his head slightly on my shoulder, and his body up against mine as he examines the look of each one carefully over me.

I could feel him breathing, and his very heart beat, that was beating slightly slower then my own pumping panicked one. He spins me around to face him again gently and hands me the one in his right hand.

"They are both nice, but I personally like this one better. It has more personality" He says and I take it from him and turn to the mirror again

I sigh and drop my head.

But very hesitantally and very nervously, I feel Will's arms slide over my shoulder into a hug as he stood behind me. It was gentle. It was comforting. It was safe.

Suddenly, the sick numbing nervous feeling faded as he continued to hold me, and I slide one arm onto his and leant my head against his as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

He was so close, but so far. I feel like he was reaching into my heart, and pumping it manually, because if he didn't, it would stop, and I would die in his very arms in that moment. But if I was to die in his arms, in this moment, God would forget my sins, and I would float to heaven, still holding the boy that was wrapped so gently around me.

It was the longest, but most meaningful hug I had ever experienced. Mostly because that very hug, meant someone was there. And there to stay.

Every memory was fading. Every hurt was fading. Everything and everyone was fading. Now, we were just two hands lonely together, striving off each other's warmth.

Suddenly, Will let's go, and I feel everything rip away, like he took every hurt, every pain, everything I hated, from me.

He spins me to face him and he looks into my eyes.

"Stop it... You are perfect" He mutters only loud enough for me to hear

I smile and feel the last dying sun light shine on my back as it set behind me. But though it was almost dark, it wasn't.

I had spent so many nights walking alone in the dark, waiting for a light to keep me safe from pain, but now, I had found the light. The dark wasn't as dark with Will.

He kept those thoughts away. He kept those monsters away.

"Okay..." I whisper out quietly

He smiles and picks up the dress he gave me, that I hadn't even noticed I had dropped in the process.

He lays it over me, making every wrinkle disappear, by filling the outline of my body in with his hands. Following my shape as he pressed it down to observe a better idea of what it looked like on me.

I just stared up at him.

Slowly, and hesitantly, he lifts my baggy hoodie over my head and throws it to the ground beside us. Gently, he slides the dress over my head, and down until it fell a little ways above my knees.

I stare on as he walks over to our closet and starts searching through my shoes.

Slowly, still in a trance, I bend down and slide my shorts off underneath my dress and through them to a slide too as he is facing away from me. He walks back over holding a pair of beautiful high heels that I had forgotten I had packed, and didn't even think to wear with this dress.

He sits me down on the seats beside the window and kneels down in front of me. He grabs my ankle and props my foot up on his leg. He slides one shoe on then swaps to the other, putting the other one on.

"Thank you" I say and he looks up at me

He stands up again then grabs my hands, pulling me back up again with him.

"No problem" He says before smiling and walking back out of the door.

I dust my dress off and head to the bathroom. I grab my hairbrush and untangle a few knots. Lastly, I adjust a few things, wash my face and look up in the mirror.

Do I love Will?

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